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What is a good audio editing software to use on:

Windows Vista Home Premium
Service Pack 1
32 Bit

Something that is somewhat easy to figure out would be great. I'll mostly be using it to record/edit vocals from my Shure SM57 through the X2U usb adapter.
There are many different programs that would have plenty capability of getting the job done for you.

You would probably be fine even using a free one called Audacity. It's pretty good considering it IS free..

Reaper is also free, but I believe they suggest you give them $60 if you decide you like the software and continue to use it.
Edit: Just looked at the Reaper site. They say you "must purchase a license" after 30 days of trying the software. It's a fully-functional, non-crippled copy while you're trying it out.. exact same as if you already had a license for it.
REAPER !! Best 60 usd ever spent. Try it for a month you will find it useful and very powerful. I dare not say how long I used it before my conscience kicked in but I do not regret the purchase at all. Great manual, nice folks and a growing or should I say all growed) support and fan base. Audacity will work just fine but move up to reaper.
Forgive me oh moderator. Reaper smokes programs 10x its price. (ok a little hyperbole). In truth I own Sonar 8, frequently use Cubase 4 and have medium experience with pro-tools. I have demoed Ableton Live. Reaper just gets it done. My only reservation is the MIDI stuff in Reaper but I believe it is my limited usage and knowlege of (intense midi applications) advanced midi editing and CC usage. So scratch my MIDI criticism.............. :eek: In short I really like the program, it does what I need: Records and edits audio inputs and recorded tracks well, routes them easily, accepts a wide variety of plugins without a hiccup, sets up easily, uses little footprint and did I mention updates and improves regularly based upon user input. Sold to me at least. I got to stop now. I do not work for Cockos.
Man, I may have to try out Reaper soon after hearing so much good talk about it. I'm a Pro Tools user, btw.. and haven't had plans to ever switch again. But I may just try out Reaper for fun soon.
I have other DAW's (Cubase & Sonar on my PC and Logic 9 on my Mac) but I seem to use Reaper the most. It's worth 10 times the price IMO. I don't use midi much as I'm a guitar player but for what I do Reaper works flawlessly.
I use Sequoia, which is the big brother of Samplitude - excellent, starts at about £50 (Sequoia is almost £3,000) with various steps in-between if you want to grow.

Works fine on Vista.