SOFTDANCE with RAMI & ido1957


This track was ALMOST done about a year ago but I wasn't happy with the change section.
I THINK I have it sorted now: well, at least I've stopped fiddling so that may say a thing or two.

This second mix has slightly louder vox & solos.

Third mix slightly lower guitars, upped drums, evened vocals & new solo

What thoughts folks?
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I like it. Who was playing what? When that sax came in, I thought of the Psychedelic Furs for some reason. As far as criticisms go, the vocal level seemed inconsistent. Generally too low but louder in places. I'd like to hear it more clearly throughout. I couldn't make out the lyrics. There were pitch issues here and there. Not crazy about the guitar solo.
Thanks for your comments.
Psych Furs - well, I'd be happy with any sort of relationship with their 1st LP.
Vocal & sax pitch will have to stay as they are - each is 25+ years old and unlikely to be redone - there was problem with felts by the time we recorded the 2nd sax part.
Lyrics - I'll post 'em when I find a digital copy.
Levels seemed where I wanted them for my ideas re the song but I've leveled them a little more for you & raised them as well.
As to who does what: Terry Berman did sax & vocals. I did bass & rhythm guitars and that leaves drums and guitar solo to the other chaps.
Sounds like a little intonation issue in the softer guitar part (left side?).
The stories/images within this song are an excellent example of how to craft lyrics. You are the expert man...
New rhythm guitars ? Pattern and tone are smooth and thick - what's the chain?
Version 2 is better balanced - noticed the sax solo at the end was a little low in version 1 but all good now.
Check your PM's :D
(Listened to mix 2)

Kickass drums, I'd like to hear them a bit better, maybe a little transient shaping? Vocals sounded clear to me. Sax is awesome, don't hear that too much on here haha. Seems pretty far away though, I might make it more dry. Maybe bring the rhythm guitar down a bit on the verses, it kind of dominated for me.
Is that the guitar during the change? I'm having trouble making chord shapes at the moment - arthritis etc. Could be intonation - probably just my hands. I checked PMs but nothing there at the moment. thanks for the thoughts.
The drums are very cool but they are a stereo file so I can't tweak them in any safe way. The sax - Terry was pretty good at it & we used it a lot - I'll listen to it's space. The verses are dominated by the rhythm gtrs. Intentional but I'll re listen since you've raised the point. Thanks for the comments.
:D - I just finished the PM - I thought you might be sleeping there so I told you to check it before I actually wrote it. :D
Listened to mix 2. I like the guitars. Cool part and a cool feel to them. Guitars/vocal/bass have a good balance.

I'm hearing some swirly cymbals. Gotta be soundcloud. I'd EQ out a little low-mid stuff from the kick. Snare sounds good. I think you could bring up the drums just a bit.

Vocals sound nice and clear.
It's not too bad. It sounds like a live show or something. The vocal almost sounds like Geddy Lees holding back too much. Cool tune :D
Cool tune. Lots to like here!

Getting an overcompressed sensation from the drums. Not sure if this is a mix thing or a soundcloud thing.

Vocals are detached from the mix. Normally, this is due to a touch too much body or a touch too little high mids. Just a touch. A little drive/saturation in place of an upper mid boost and then maybe a really slight dip to the main body of the vocals may sound better here.

Guitars are a bit too loud for the other elements, by at least a dB or 2. The guitars are played solidly, but because they are following such consistent patterns from start to finish, I think the song would be served better with the guitars featured less in the mix. For this mix, I would tend focus a little more on the drums and the vocals, personally.

Sax is really cool, but a bit roomy/reverby compared to other mix elements.
TripleM, FoulPhil & Kindafishy,
thanks for listening.
I've addressed most of the issues you mentioned. The sax sounds wetter because it was recorded in a tiled bathroom way back in 85 or 6. I can't removed the room from the tape recording.
ido1957 treated the vocal for me and while he in the zone rerecorded the solo. THANKS Gerry.
Listening to mix #3. I think that the drums sound too distant. Not sure if that's the way they're recorded or if there's a reverb on them. Also too much hihat and ride compared to the rest of the kit. Nice drumming though.

I like the guitar solo and the tone. I'd back off of the reverb, it's a little wet for me. I think that goes for several of the instruments, except maybe the vocals. I like the vocals as well, although there's some quality to the vocal tone that I can't quite put my finger on. Maybe it was the mic that was used, but it sounds like retracking isn't an option so it's a moot point. Try a nice gentle knee compressor and see what happens if you give it a good squeeze with that, just as a try-me.

Cool song, I enjoyed it!
Crazy Luke,
I could only tweak the vocals electronically - they were recorded 25 + years ago - nice idea though. I may try ADT to see if that helps in any way. thanks for listening & offering,
It's a stereo drum track so I can't mix within it though I'll look at EQ. Reverb, nope. Rami is an ace drummer, (amongst other things). I'll dry the solo a little I kneed to try something like you've suggested for the vocals. Thanks!
U guys rock! I listened to 1 and 3 was going to comment that the vocals were too quiet but that's sorted in 3, I thought the drums lost something in 3?

don't know why but reminded me of Virginia Plain, maybe the sax n the vocal vibe, very cool.