Soft Vocals


How do i make vocals so soft? like give them that kind of airy feel.i really wanna learn this so i can 2 voices singing and same time and avoid them sounding harsh.
It is a matter of how the artist is singing but a combi of eq, reverb, delay, and compression may get you what you're looking for. If you have multi vocs tracks, panning them slightly left/right and detuning them will also add some abience. Do some trial and error and google some articles on vocal mixing. Good luck!
I agree with NYM that a lot of it is just the voice you record. I don't think you'll ever take a recording of Brad Garrett and get it sounding "soft and airy."

One trick that is sometimes used is to have the singer record a whisper track. Essentially double tracking the vocal in a whisper. Blend to taste with the main vocal track.
I don't think you'll ever take a recording of Brad Garrett and get it sounding "soft and airy."
Maybe not, but you could get a heck of a Barry White cover. :D

I third the whole work on the singing technique solution. You'll never fake it with hardware or software unless you got it at the source.

But once you do have it, you can help it with your gear. Singing into a decent microphone with low self-noise connected to a preamp that can give you plenty of clean gain helps. Work it so you can keep yourself a good couple of inches from the mic (so you're not swallowing the thing) with a relatively quiet but clean and present voice, give it enough decent gain in the preamp to deliver something serviceable to the signal chain without getting noisy, and then run that signal through a good-sounding quality compressor to lend an air of "closeness" or "intimacy" to the vocal dynamics.

lmaoo the only person who has the perfect idea of what am looking for is tlennon1. if only he could help out a lil bit more. :)