So many compressor questions...


New member
It seems like there's been quite a few compressor questions lately... I read through most of the posts and I guess some people like to buy a lot of those RNC units (6??) and put them in the mini-rack box that's made out of wood.

For a live band with vocals, acoustic and electric guitars, bass, keyboard, and drums, which of these would require compression, besides bass? I use "compression" on vocals sometimes when the lead vocals' signal goes through a TC Electronic M300 (mainly to add reverb), and the bass player uses compression on his G-Major, but I'm thinking about getting a quality compressor like the RNC if it'll make a big difference in the sound.
try an RNC on the stereo buss of your live console....see how that goes...a bit of compression on the overall mix could sound good.
Just a thought....
I use a dbx 1066 on my stereo buss for live sound. Compression on the mains can be a wonderful thing - it's almost like you bought a power amp with twice the wattage - you can really get the mains screaming loud while still keeping your power amp meters comfortably below the red.

Be careful with compression on the floor monitors though - it can increase the likelihood of feedback.