So is it complicated

Mmmmm you're making assumptions about me. I never bought some 200$ beat of Facebook neither do I plan to.

I would buy it if it sounded amazing and I stumbled upon it.

If you re-read my thread it's says I want custom production, not to buy someone's finished 200 buck beat.

Take care
I made no assumptions about you. Re-read my post.
I merely pointed out there’s guys that will fulfill what you seek. Facebook is an excellent place to find people.

Don’t get all offended, I was trying to help.
I made no assumptions about you. Re-read my post.
I merely pointed out there’s guys that will fulfill what you seek. Facebook is an excellent place to find people.

Don’t get all offended, I was trying to help.

Am not offended. Deleted fb long ago. But yep online there's all sorts of producers to find and gauge who is good and worth it.
The snag is that loads of people for certain genres - typically anything that uses the word 'beats' is going to have packages of bits and pieces. It's how that kind of music is produced. Little building blocks - which can be self-produced, recorded as a new product in a studio specifically for the track, or track 8324 off a ten thousand clip expensive package. You have the percussion, the bass and then the other stuff - so grabbing 20 separate tracks and copying and pasting is sort of 'unique' - as it that combination of stock clips is new. Big names do this as much as newbies, but I guess you are paying for their knowledge of their library - finding exactly the bass sound, or that weird snare to suit your track. Facebook and social media as a whole are, for some types of music, now almost essential ways to market the music - so a FB presence is critical I would have thought. Doesn't need to be the private real you of course, the artiste FB is usually different.

The people who produce the beats are just different from the people who use them normally. If all you need is the vocal - there's no reason you can't do it all yourself on a decent spec laptop - BUT - you need decent monitoring if the music is to sound like it will in the venues it is played in.