So I'm having guitar problems...not sure what to do.


Pack it in a frame.
So with winter here in Michigan, and the state's crazy ass weather, I have a begun to experience tuning problems. The strings are new, and I have checked the innotation. Now last time I checked it, every note I checked below the 12th fret was pretty dead on, but when I started getting to the 15-17 range, the notes were way off (around 20 cents sharp if I am reading the tuner correctly).

Could this indicate a problem with the neck? Perhaps some truss rod adjustment is in order?

I don't really have any place around here that I trust to take it in since all the mom and pop music shops have long since closed down.
This comes up so often. I wish we had signatures back because I used to have a load of links in there pointing to info on just this problem.

Here is a message from a recent thread. Follow the links and you'll find a load of good stuff that will help you out. Once you've got a handle on the nature of it, fire away with specific questions.

Good luck.