So I took your advice...


New member
Hey a month or so ago I posted a song here and got some great feedback. I listened to what you guys said, went back and remixed and totally rerecorded the vox. Its online now at

triple j Unearthed - free music | new Australian music | independent music

Make sure you click the "download MP3" button, the stream is bad mono lofi.. as it is the MP3 is unfortunatly only 128kbps so youll hear the nasty compression a bit, but you'll get the idea. Like to know you're thoughts.

Thanks for listening:drunk:
Nice dude...! Lots of changes... can't really hear the mix on these small phones but sounds decent enough.:thumbs up:

I so have to get the other half of my band to pull the godawful demos we have posted up on Unearthed down, in case anyone ever hears them...:facepalm:
sounds great! I'm listening with crappy earbuds - translates well. Trying to come up with a suggestion to change something, but I can't.
sounds great! I'm listening with crappy earbuds - translates well. Trying to come up with a suggestion to change something, but I can't.

Thx Im actually glad to hear that because despite running through about 6 different audio devices, I never got a chance for earbuds, so Im glad it sounds ok
Cool song. Great arrangement. Mix is ~almost~ there. I'd like to hear this with less reverb effects or at least one not quite so prevalent, like maybe a darker verb.... IDK experiment with it, but personal taste so don't take my advice for too much. :)