So, i decide to give my Blue Baby bottle a whirl after a few months...


New member
of using the Rode NTK...
i thought, hmmm maybe my vocals are a lil too WARM with the Rode NTk/Vintech Dual 72 combo...

and since i have a VERY VERY deep voice (probably one of the deepest you've heard)
check Average Saturday to see what i mean...

i thought, maybe the Blue/Vintech combo might sound a lil cleaner...

ohhh my god was i wrong, the hi-end sounded muffled, the low end was, the only reason i keep this mic around is for other artists(it sounds great on a higher pitched person)

so, i think i'll be sticking with the Rode NTk till i can get a classic2
That doesn't surprise me..the BB isn't the "brightest" mic bla bla..I like it most on guitar amps myself...When it doesn't work,it doesn't work..LOL..

My soprano bud sounds great on it, but for me - I'm a high tenor - It just didn't do it.

Well, right now, I can get it brand new in the box for $400 with the warranty. So talk to me. Send me an email or a pm.-Richie