So apparently - folks at Fox News were not being honest with their viewers

And... it's impossible for either party to be all bad, or all good. That's bullshit.
The hate for either side is misguided.
When any one person tells me that everyone on the other side is evil etc., I automatically dismiss them as being in a cult, right or left.
I was a young rebel at one time who believed a lot of stupid shit. Then I grew up. Some values I still adhere to.
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Fox executive Raj Shah to Tucker Carlson producer Alex Pfeiffer: "You might want to address this, but this stuff is so f-ing insane. Vote rigging to the tune of millions? C'mon"

Pfeiffer: "Is it even worth addressing again tonight? It is so insane but our viewers believe it so addressing again how her stupid Venezuela affidavit isn't proof might insult them"

Pfeiffer: "This whole thing is surreal. Like negotiating with terrorists, but especially dumb ones. Cousin,' – redacted – 'types, not Saudi royalty"
It's only Fox that lied to their viewers and got caught painting a very different picture of what they new privately as opposed to what they were saying/suggesting on the air regarding election malfeasance (non existent, BTW). That's a fact.

Do you (or anyone else ) really think it's a secret? Do you think that Fox News is not naked as blue jay to the world for what they are - a corporate propaganda arm of the Republican party? They stopped trying to hide that fact early on, 15+ years ago. They've been that - and they've been that HUGE. You can't not know that everyone who is paying any attention anywhere in the world knows this.

It's not controversial. You can say whatever you want. Go ahead.... "whatabout" all fucking day long. It won't change the fact Rupert, Tucker, Laura, and the gang got caught with their pants around their ankles. We knew it already - but now there's stark, incontrovertible proof that these people make heaps of money telling people what they want to hear as opposed to sticking to rigorous journalistic standards and properly informing their viewers about what is actually true.

There is nothing you can say that is going to change that fact.

I challenge you to prove that every mainstream media reported what you say they did about Zimmerman. Prove it. I'll be right here. Take as much time as you need. You said it - now prove it. Surely there is a record. *Everything* is archived these days. I simply don't believe that what you say is true. Get back to me on that at your convenience. :thumbs up:
You're out of your fucking mind or haven't watched CNN and MSNBC to NOT KNOW that they consistently said Zimmerman was told to stay in the car or repeated the Hands Up Don't Lie bullshit.

I'm not wasting my time looking it up. You do it. Come back with a few segments where it's not mentioned.
You're out of your fucking mind or haven't watched CNN and MSNBC to NOT KNOW that they consistently said Zimmerman was told to stay in the car or repeated the Hands Up Don't Lie bullshit.

I'm not wasting my time looking it up. You do it. Come back with a few segments where it's not mentioned.
Yeah! Whataboutthoseguys! They're bad too. Whatabouthem?
If you are unable/incapable of defining/understanding what is bullshit and what is not, you fall prey to those who would define it for you. (tm) DM.
If you are unable/incapable of defining/understanding what is bullshit and what is not, you fall prey to those who would define it for you. (tm) DM.
Exactly! That’s what I keep on telling my neighbor. But he insists on watching the news, and hangs onto every word Biden says as if it was the gospel truth. He thinks Joe is the bestest prez we’ve ever had.
He even still has his Biden 2020 signs all over the yard! Go figure.
Exactly! That’s what I keep on telling my neighbor. But he insists on watching the news, and hangs onto every word Biden says as if it was the gospel truth. He thinks Joe is the bestest prez we’ve ever had.
He even still has his Biden 2020 signs all over the yard! Go figure.
I know right?
NOBODY is perfect, and NOBODY is "the only one".
It's NOT about one person.
I know right?
NOBODY is perfect, and NOBODY is "the only one".
It's NOT about one person.
Don’t get me started. Then there’s this guy down the street with a big ass Dodge Diesel truck. He has a big American flag and a Trump flag in the bed of the truck. You know, that one flag where they have Trump’s head on Rambo’s body.
I think, No way! It’s impossible to be in your 70s, eat McDonald’s and still be that buff!

It’s all really annoying. But maybe it would at least amusing if my neighbors were to get into a fist fight.
Don’t get me started. Then there’s this guy down the street with a big ass Dodge Diesel truck. He has a big American flag and a Trump flag in the bed of the truck. You know, that one flag where they have Trump’s head on Rambo’s body.
I think, No way! It’s impossible to be in your 70s, eat McDonald’s and still be that buff!

It’s all really annoying. But maybe it would at least amusing if my neighbors were to get into a fist fight.
Maybe there could be a street brawl over:
Hunter Biden's laptop
Don Jr's coke abuse
Roe vs Wade.

Yeah... that's the ticket!
Maybe there could be a street brawl over:
Hunter Biden's laptop
Don Jr's coke abuse
Roe vs Wade.

Yeah... that's the ticket!
Nah, I d rather see their wives and girlfriends fight it out. Good old fashioned cat fight, you know, where they lose all their manners and sophistication, and resort to getting all ghetto.

Come to think of it, that’s how we should wage wars. It would save a lot of lives.

I think I’m on to something....... but ya never know. Could just be some post truth shit.
I would have though by now everyone would be leaning to the right by a considerable amount.

I guess it's still a mad race to the bottom before we can start fixing things
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I have no idea why an attorney with as stellar a track record as Sydney Powell wouldn't hold her cards closer to the vest and refrain from making statements that would seem to go beyond the actual evidence they had, nor why she got hooked up with Lin Wood.

However "false claims" is being used when the correct term is "unproven".

Anyone who doesn't see there were problems with the '20 election just doesn't want to see them. Anyone who voted Brandon - however many that actual number is - should be ashamed of themselves. It's unfortunate that the consequences of the Potato being in the White House can't be limited to those who are happy about it.
If anyone watched any of the hearings with eyewitness testimony, its quite obvious.
Why argue?
However it occurred, fair or stolen......
We’re all left with a president who is pushing us into the possibility of world war.

We gotta fix now. Can we all possibly agree on that? Or no.
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