So apparently - folks at Fox News were not being honest with their viewers

Talking to anyone who thinks civil was is imminent or justified. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Just so there’s no misunderstanding, my comment on civil war was not intended to say it was imminent or justified. Quite the opposite. I’m saying the accusations that the election was stolen, made without sufficient proof, are weakening the union. Weaken it enough, and civil war becomes a possible outcome. We’re hopefully a long way off from that.
Just so there’s no misunderstanding, my comment on civil war was not intended to say it was imminent or justified. Quite the opposite. I’m saying the accusations that the election was stolen, made without sufficient proof, are weakening the union. Weaken it enough, and civil war becomes a possible outcome. We’re hopefully a long way off from that.
Maybe those shoes are a bit too tight for you. I don't read most of the comments here. Both ends of the spectrum are loonier than shit house rats.
I don't think civil war is imminent. The notion makes me sad.

The more realistic outcome is division - increasing division - which also makes me sad. Maybe I was wrong - but, while imperfect, I thought we had a pretty good thing going. This federation of states. Seems we can't handle the responsibilities of working towards "a more perfect union". And I think I get it - that some don't even want that..... have no interest in even working any further on this experiment in folks governing themselves. I happen to think it's a worthwhile endeavor. Que sera, sera.

In order for people to govern themselves they must be free to do so.

Seriously, and disappointedly, and I don't understand it, some of you guys are fucked in the head. We didn't bring this grievance culture to your doorstep, you brought it to ours. Now you're scratching your fucking heads wondering why we want out? We're tired of it. You should be as well, I would think. But apparently you are not. You surrender your autonomy to idiocy and madness, and somehow just can't understand why some of us aren't so pussified to do the same. Fuck that. I almost feel sorry for you, but you deny the strength that God has given you to follow your head and your heart to stand on your own two feet, and say no. No! I will not bend, I will not break. I am!
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Damn dude, you're right on it aren't you? I barely had time to grab a beer and a coat to sit in the porch for a smoke.


Why? Why do you ask?...on the fat fucking chance you ever get the balls to say enough?
Too fuckin' funny...
Who is this "we"? Is it some group of angry but lazy gun owners that won't do anything but bitch in a forum? Who is "we"?
Is "we" gonna vote for secession? Where are "we"?
Are "we" in a state that has nothing but the "we" in it?
Oh dear... WTF are "we" going to do with those who are NOT "we"? Are "we" going to kick them out? How?
Good luck convincing those who are not "we" to be "we".
Still angry? Maybe go play some Wii... :ROFLMAO:
Dave Matthews said:
Dick Moobie.....his wife tells me he's a bit of a dick sometimes

I understand you're angry, Dave. I have accurately called you out inspite of all your efforts otherwise as an unserious person. I've called you out for a lie you told on a serious matter which could potentially place lives at risk. A lie you told I suppose in part for an attempt at a political gotcha moment, as well was an ill advised attempt at humor. A lie that might I add moderation here at HR dot com called you out as well. So, you're a clown, and a liar. Being mad at me, I don't know, seems a waste of energy. Look inward.

There's been an understood but perhaps often broken rule here at HR dot com, don't be an asshole. But that's just a general rule of self control and governance, loosely adhered at times. But there's another broader rule, sometimes understandably enforced, but most often no need. There will be differences, but don't involve family in the mire. Only a scumbag would lower themselves to that level, an act of desperation. 'Cause you're mad, defeated, and have nothing else.

I understand you are frustrated and mad, lashing out. Not a good look, Dave. Maybe you should stick to being the idiot savant of the Name that tune thread.
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Lol @

Yeah, keep on not reading the thread.
What we need is some type of universal service by everyone physically capable. You get out of HS or quit, you do two years service of some type for your country. If not the military, something else. This would force us to work together while still young adults and maybe we would find that we are not that much different at all. When I was a young adult it seemed the only thing my country wanted out of me was either put me in jail or draft me and send me off to war. I don't have much respect for this country or any other for that matter, and don't really care what happens to it. I lead my life the way I want and I don't care how you lead yours. I don't butt into anyones business. It's none of my business what anyone does, I don't care if they get abortions, I don't care if they smoke crack, just leave me the fuck alone. I don't care if you're a drag queen or a proud boy, act civilized, do your thing peacefully and lawfully, just leave me the fuck alone.
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Tucker Carlson, in a text, talking about President Donald Trump:

“I hate him passionately … What he’s good at is destroying things. He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong,” Carlson texted a colleague on January 4, days prior to the riot at the U.S. Capitol. He added, “We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn’t an upside to Trump.”
I understand you're angry, Dave.

I understand you are frustrated and mad, lashing out. Not a good look, Dave. Maybe you should stick to being the idiot savant of the Name that tune thread.
I'm not mad/angry at all mate. There would be no point.
Now... who is "we"?
I'm not mad/angry at all mate. There would be no point.
Now... who is "we"?

Y'all blowing up my shit this morning.

Oh yeah, you mad, proven a liar. On account of...

Dave Matthews said:
OK, you win.

I tried to show a little charity, a little grace, "I don't know about this winning stuff", but I guess it all got too deeply stuck down in your craw and you just couldn't let it go. You done lashing out, mum? You shouldn't blame others for your own mistakes, it's a good lesson to learn. You're welcome.
Who is we? This morning, alert alert alert, there's a post somewhere around by dogooder. My read it's pretty much, do whatever the hell you wanna do, just stay off my lawn and leave me the fuck out of it. So I reckon thus far that's 2 on the "we" side. So far.

As to the "where you gonna go?" question....I don't know, Dave, where'd you go? Wherever that might be you're on record saying you're glad you left the good ol' US of A. While not a lie, just another example of your inconsistencies. Well chalk it up to progress.