Snare Mic Help


New member
No matter what I do when micing up the snare drum I can't seem to get a good sound. I am using a sure sm57 and all I seem to get is the ring of the drum. No pop. Any advice?

Thanx in advance

Also can someone explain how I can move a thread. Or delete one. I meant to put this in Micing not Mixing.
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No matter what I do when micing up the snare drum I can't seem to get a good sound. I am using a sure sm57 and all I seem to get is the ring of the drum. No pop. Any advice?

Thanx in advance

pull you snare apart. wipe the rims, the shell, and inside of the rim with a soft dry towel. inspect the posts hardware, make shure nothing is lose. now put it back together. it should be gone.

moisture buildup, lose hardware as well as poor tuning on worn heads does this.
How does it sound acoustically? Is it all ring no pop in general. If not try pointing the mic more at the center of the drum or put the mic parallel with the rim of the drum pointing almost straight across.
None of these guys are wrong, but what are you judging the snare on?
A raw track or a processed track? If there's compression anywhere in your chain (snare track, master bus etc) remove it first.
I usually find that pointing the mic directly at the rim gives me the best sound with the most pop. About 2" away from the rim. Then adding compression with a slow attack increases the pop significantly.
Hit it more in the center so it rings less..?

Timely this. I'm fixin to record a guy Sat and Sunday that last time all I could find in too much pop' and not enough of the other goodies and break things up between the songs and add variations. :p
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