Small Portable Recorder


New member
What would be the best way to get good quality stereo recordings that I could take some where to record say piano, and then bring back into my studio? A DAT machine or something like that? Anyone have any better ideas?
I've seen that boss thing, I think it would be alittle bit of over kill. I just need to be able to do two tracks, I don't even need to edit.

That second one is a good idea though, I'll definatly pick on or two up. I know a guy who can give me a deal, if you want one too :):)
Two-track portable

The most obvious choices:

- DAT (e.g. Tascam DA-P1).

- Minidisk. People are selling these dirt cheap on eBay.

The Minidisk uses lossy data compression, the DAT doesn't. On the other hand, the price is way different. Both of them are dead or dying formats.

Other choices that might be worth considering, depending:

- Laptop computer.
- Cassette deck. I'm guessing that to get a recorder that's good enough to compete with a minidisk, you'd spend more than the minidisk unit costs, so I'm not sure I'd bother, unless a more generally compatible format is important to you.
- Portable CDR recorder. While there are tons and tons of portable CD players, portable CDRs seem pretty rare. I think I say a Marantz one in a catalog or something, though.
- Handheld dictation unit.
- Nagra.