small condensors on snare

I like my AKG 451's on snare. However, in the interest of not breaking one if I want a SDC on snare I use an Oktava. Unless of course I know and trust the drummer well enough.
I don't use condensers on snare, because they are delicate, have a high output to start with, and are reproducing a very high SPL source. Same for kick.

I use ATM23HE on my snare micing now. Very tough, optimized for snare, and only 2.2mV output.
I really like AKG C-1000 on snare. About the only thing I like it for but it performs VERY well there. Absolutly no problems with SPL.
Snare condenser

Don't laugh: Behringer B5, cardoid capsule, -10 dB pad, signal adjusted to exaggerated hits, then later normalized.

A lot more sound to play around with than the 57.

Paj said:
Don't laugh: Behringer B5, cardoid capsule, -10 dB pad, signal adjusted to exaggerated hits, then later normalized.

A lot more sound to play around with than the 57.


Yep, I use one on the snare and another on the Hi-hat and get very good results but perhaps not colored enough for some folks (SM57)?

N_Yeager said:
anybody have and faves for small condensors on snare instead of your typical dynamic?
No, not really... my favorite snare mic is still the Beyer M201. However, I've never tried my Behringer B5 on snare before... but I must admit, I've been pretty impressed with the Behringer B5 on everything I've tried it on so far.
Paj said:
A lot more sound to play around with than the 57.

Maybe because:

(1) In output level, the signal is more like an Octava MK012 than a MXL603 or SM81, so closer miking is really possible with the pad . . . I dunno . . .still working with it---but the drummers like the sound on snare and toms. It also sounds nice on Latin percussion. It does seem to take higher SPL's in stride. I haven't had the same luck with distance miking, but I haven't had a pair to work with.

(2) The reason I haven't had a pair to work with---one of the pair I purchased was defective (really low signal output). When I normalized the miniscule signal it still sounded really good with little noise! Surprised the heck out of me---I was expecting a raised noise floor and garbage. I don't know yet what this tells me about what! It's takin' forever for my replacement to get back to me.

(3) I still haven't had time to play around with the omni capsule.

(4) It's inexpensive enough to be replaceable and I'm hoping that they end up being consistent enough so that any one is not irreplaceable.

(5) A quieter ECM8000 with cardoid capability, rolloff or pad for not much more moolah.

(6) Right now I'd rate the B5 as decent and useful---but I don't even have two to compare to each other at the moment.

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Not yet. I will say that, so far, it seems to do well with cymbals. I am working with a percussionist who has cymbal GAS. A beer-jam is scheduled for the near future.

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Hey, I Got The M201...

i finally bought it...
so far it works like a M451.....(maybe i use it in a wrong way)
would that be a problem if u supply phantom power even on dynamic mic's track?
beacuse i usually set up my mixer as (Phantom power on all channels);
fakeness said:
i finally bought it...
so far it works like a M451.....(maybe i use it in a wrong way)
would that be a problem if u supply phantom power even on dynamic mic's track?
beacuse i usually set up my mixer as (Phantom power on all channels);
No, the M201 will ignore the phantom power. I just got one recently, and recorded drums using a combo of dynamics and condensors with no problem. I love the way the M201 sounds on snare.
no problem, you can run Phantom power trough dynamic mics, won't hurt them,
but make sure you don't connect a guitar or bass to a channel provided with phantom....or...BOOOOOHOOOOOO

i only put my Sm57's on my snare, top and bottom,
but i tried to mess with a RODE nt3 .... the result wasn't really what i wanted,
i had alot more color, tone, sounded brighter and more clear,
but loud, and i picked up too much sound from the kick and other instruments.... so i'm real happy with my SM57's....

i think its more interesting to put one extra mike on the bottom of your snare instead of puttin one condenser on it,
but thats just my 2 cents of course !

earworm said:
no problem, you can run Phantom power trough dynamic mics, won't hurt them,
but make sure you don't connect a guitar or bass to a channel provided with phantom....or...BOOOOOHOOOOOO

I have never seen a guitar or a bass with XLR outs on them. How would phantom power hurt an instrument connect to a line it?