SM7b presence boost wire came off


Horse Diaper
ok, so i got the wiring diagram, and i know that the yellow wire has to go back onto the capacitor, BUT

ive never done this, and don't own a soldering iron, BUT it's pretty straight foreward right? i just heat up the solder that is on the cap a litle and put the wire back on. Are there any tips I need to know? I don't want to take this in the shop (to who?) and spend $50 or whatever for ONE lil wire. Can ya feel me on this one.
If you know where the wire goes it's pretty simple. Use a small wattage iron (like 25 watts max) hold the wire in place with some needlenose pliers, heat the solder and continue holding the wire in place for a few seconds. Pretty simple if there is ample solder on the wire/cap. One thing you want to do is get a damp paper towel or sponge to wipe the tip of the iron off a few seconds before you do any soldering. ;)