sm57 and e609s Mic Comparison


New member
Here's a sm57 and e609s mic comparison.

There's two clips.

the Bridge Humbucker

the Bridge Split Coil

The sm57 is first followed by the e609s.

Each mic is 6 inches from the speaker rim and with care to point them at the speaker center. See pics below.

Gtr: ebmm Axis-SS
Amp: Bray JTM45
Cab: Mesa 2x12
Speaker: Scumback m75


For me on a live show I will always go for the 609.
But in the studio there are many different avenues to go when recording an amp.
Guess it's always a wait and see what the sound is like, then choose the transducer best fitted.
For all intents and purposes, I'd say they were practically identical. I know I did the same experiment, and didn't notice much difference at all. Any real or perceived difference could be not quite getting the mic in 100% the identical spot.
For further experimenting, I tried old Unidyne III SM57's, and noticed a difference. The new 57's and the e609 both have that mid hump, while the Unidyne III was a little smoother. Next I plan to compare an Audix i5. You should get a couple of screen shots so anyone can compare waveforms.