SM 57 is garbage


New member
I can't believe all the hype over this mic. I brought one a couple days ago and it' sounds like garbage. First off when i speak in the mic it sounds too muddy and always have a annoyin' smear sound. I tried to put my mouth a couple inches away from the mic and still sounds all muddy. My $14.99 mic sounds better then dat without a pop filter. time i'll be careful when i read about mics. Um takin' this sm57 mic back to the store and get something else. I thought a pop filter would help but it did'nt, so fuck it. Um takin' it back. I kinda hate dynamic microphones anyway.
So.... we should completely disregard the fact that it is a studio staple, is almost solely responsible for all the great guitar sounds of thousands of hit records since the 60's, and is being used by top professionals in the industry all the time, in favour of the whinings of a wannabe rapper.........


Gimme a fuckin' break.....
I didn't know this mic was so bad! I wonder if the store will still take it back. Since I have been using it for 15 years, maybe not. I wonder--will I have to recut all those tracks I did with it? I thought they sounded good, but maybe they didn't!
Fuck it. I'm gonna retire all of mine & just use them exclusively for hand tools.

And all this time I thought... :rolleyes:
Wait, wait......................

..................... he is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT about the SM57!!!
Yo' rapper2001, I'm feelin' you there! It is UTTER GARBAGE!!!
Don't even waste your most valuable time returning it to the store you got it from!!! The time you waste doin' that can be used by you to create some phat lyrics over a butta' bass beat which would prob'ly make you a STAR!!!

In the mean time, send me that wack-@ss 57 mic and I'll use it at the local Karaoke Bar! You should'nt have to be bothered with any additional headaches as I'll pay for all shipping & handling!

So again, send that piece of crap mic to me!! I'll handle it!!

Check out Radio Shack mics!!! They make absolutly the finest Vocal and Instrument mics in the WORLD!!! Much better that any Neumann,AKG, Electro-voice etc could ever produce!
Looks like I got here too late to get in first licks.

Oh well, what Bear said plus all the President stuff too.

Ah.....I was worried there. I thought C7 might not see this in time to get in a shot at SP. I can relax now...
I don't like my TB-1! :( It's a piece of crap ! !

Oh . . . wait a minute . . . I don't own one and I've never even heard one before.

Never mind.
I suppose

It's possible that the rapper bought the bunk one out of the bunch....maybe you should exchange it for another 57 and see if there is any difference.....If there isn't then the garbage in garbage out scenario is probably the case....also if you have a bunch of week links in your chain then no mic is going to make a damn difference. Should you have bought something else before buying the new mic?????