Slow Jazz Ballad - Alone

Nice! I see lots of potential there.

Some minor criticism....
1. Bass sounds a little plucky for the style. I believe something a little smoother would suit the mood a little better.
2. The arpeggiated chords sound a little repetitive... Personally I find it easier to build a groove using clusters and comping chords, but that's just me. Variety is key IMO.
3. Your vocals don't sound very natural... Like if you were still trying to come up with a solid melody. Maybe try to redo them now that you are set on something?

Cheers, and congrats for the good work!
a slow ballad that ends in a suicide.

lol...I had to listen based on that description.

Kick seems a little loud for the genre...the drums in general are pretty weak...not too quiet...too...fake sounding? But I think you can get away with them if you sort of bury them like a jazz song.

Nice playing.
j & C. Thank you for your constructive comments - taken on board.

I read my comments sometimes and realize that I'm a dick. I mean, this is our "art" for lack of a better word, and it's nice when somebody recognizes the time, effort and talent required to make it. I just sort of hate anything close to jazz, so don't take a lack of in depth critical listening as a slam...I'm pretty closed-minded when it comes to music. You guys did a nice job....I think....I'm no expert, LOL.
I read my comments sometimes and realize that I'm a dick. I mean, this is our "art" for lack of a better word, and it's nice when somebody recognizes the time, effort and talent required to make it. I just sort of hate anything close to jazz, so don't take a lack of in depth critical listening as a slam...I'm pretty closed-minded when it comes to music. You guys did a nice job....I think....I'm no expert, LOL.

Hey, no problem really - different folks, different strokes. Its all grist to the mill. Thanks again.