Slight hum/buzz from Brick


New member
I just got a GT Brick today, my first tube preamp. When I switch it on I hear a slight electrical buzz coming from inside the unit. Is this normal? It seems to work fine otherwise (no noise in the signal). Thanks
riotshield said:
I just got a GT Brick today, my first tube preamp. When I switch it on I hear a slight electrical buzz coming from inside the unit. Is this normal? It seems to work fine otherwise (no noise in the signal). Thanks

While I am not familiar with this particular unit, it is normal for some transformers to have a slight mechanical hum. The real question is whether or not your unit is operating within the manufacturer's specification.
Not sure if this applies but I have a couple of Tampas with inline transformers. They had a hum happnin and when I turned the transformers a few degrees clockwise (or counter), the hum went away. Maybe turning the Brick a few degrees would help.
I dunno. Just a thought. Hope it helps.................
Hmm, turning it doesn't help. Seems to be coming from the back of the unit (where the power cord plugs in), and it sort of sounds like a fluorescent lamp.
riotshield said:
Hmm, turning it doesn't help. Seems to be coming from the back of the unit (where the power cord plugs in), and it sort of sounds like a fluorescent lamp.

It's probably that blue lightbulb in there! :D

I'll check mine tonight to hear if it makes much noise. I've never noticed.
That sounds like it is the power transformer, sometimes they can be a bit noisy. Is there any of the same buzz in the audio line? I would suspect there isn't, but it's something you need to check for sure.

The only thing you can really do if it bothers you enough is to take it back to the store and see if they will let you try out all the units they have in stock until you find one with a quieter transformer.
The audio doesn't seem to have any noise in it, both in the mic pre and the DI. I purchased it online so unfortunately I wouldn't be able to take it back for testing (plus there are no dealers near me). I sent an e-mail to GT, and they said they would forward it to their engineering.
Well, I just switched mine on. No hum noticeable from 1 foot away. If I put my ear on the casing itself, or use a stethoscope, I can hear a faint hum inside. I would assume that's the case for any tube gear. So, I would guess that you either have a bum unit, hearing that is too sensitive, or a much quieter room than mine. :D