Sky Grey, My first semi proper recording.

Man it must be Thanksgiving in America - it's dead in here tonight lol....

You are sneaky - thought this was an acoustic type song at first then pow - heavy guitars... lol

Good songwriting and guitar playing. I like the two vocal parts playing off each other. Is that you playing guitar and drums too? If yes you're like some of the others on this board - a do it all type of guy (some here call them mutants - in a good way) - very cool.

Awesome guitar solo.....

Could use some bottom end on the recording on the whole. I don't hear any bass guitar - that would fill it out a bit. But even without that I think the bottom end on everything could come up. The vocals are nice and prominent but sounds a wee bit distorted - maybe that's my cheap computer speakers though.

Other than that it's very good - nice job.... ;) And welcome to the HR site!
thanx for the crit. well as for the drums i created them on a program i used but i did base them on my own drum beats as i do play drums too. the vocals do sound a bit distorted because of the crappy mic i'm using, and as for bass, well i don't have a bass guitar. thanx this website seems like a great community for recording.
Not to bad for a first recording. The cymbals are overdone esp in the heavy bits in my opinion. It's a common mistake when you're first mixing your songs to put the cymbals to loud. Like I hear more hi hat then snare. Listen to some pro mixes and see how far the cymbals are mixed at times. Crash's and Hi-hat. Nice work on the guitar solo!!! That's some good playing and energy there, I like how the songs cuts right back again. Like the last caller I think a bass line would help to balance this a lot. The lead vocal was a bit monotone, and I felt the backing vocal was a bit awkward sounding, but nice job overall for a first time using drums and what not in your recordings. I think the guitars would sound better with a bass guitar playing. right now they sound like they don't have much bass to them. If a bass is in the mix, that would change everything.
ditto to previous comments - the music itself is nice and well structured. kept me interested too as i didnt know how the song was gonna change.
you need to work on the vocals though. it seems like youre singing in a register that's not comfortable for you to control. i think maybe you need to experiment a bit. have you tried going up an octave? i think the other problem is that with such strong music (guitars/drums, etc) backing it up, the vocals just seem a little dry and weak.

guitar solo burns. it's quite tricky to play at speed with tremelo picking, tapping, etc and actually keep time, which as far as i can hear you've done well.

i did like this song. definitely one to keep working at. other than the vocals, i didnt have too many problems with it at all.

Re: vocals. Stop eating that mic! You've got to back off and sing louder; that'll give you better control and stamina, eliminate the dryness, and get rid of the pops, sibilance and breath noise.

I know full well that's difficult. I'm a guitar player first, a keyboardist second, a drummer third, a recording engineer fourth, and... well, somewhere around #312 I'm a vocalist. My voice is, in a word, rotten. However, I played for four years in a band whose policy was, "you wrote it, you sing it" and with a lot of practice and forcing myself to overcome the embarrassment, I was able to turn in vocal tracks that hovered somewhere around "acceptable."

Find some time where you know you won't be heard and rehearse. Project with some volume and you'll do a lot better. Your voice isn't as bad as mine, so odds are that with some good confidence you'll be able to please yourself. :)

Rest of the track is a hum- dinger performancewise, good job.
Cool sounding track, I like the writing and playing... cool mood.
The vocals just don't seem to fit right to me. I agree with what Discord said, that you should try backing up and singing louder, they're just too up front and dry now.
The song could definitely use more low end too. The high end sound of the track actually reminds me of a lot of my first mixes, which I thought sounded great at first. I progressively figured out how to fill out mixes better, which have improved them.
Good work and writing though, definitely has some potential. Keep learning bits and pieces about mixing and the tracks will keep getting better and better. :D
Dude, top notch guitar playing. :)
Really good melody writing. Music composition and arrangement just kicks a$$.
Guitar solo just kicks mega-butt. :)

You should put more distance between you and the mic. Sing the verses like you sing them currently. But pump those lungs major in the choruses. After the solo, I'd recommend verse & chorus both yelled but sung in tune. Not limp bizkit style yelled but Axl Rose style yelled.

This is one of those songs that I'd listen to again. :)

I know that if you're not a vocalist primarily, listening to your own voice really loud can freak you out and it is really hard to sing loud but you gotta overcome that. :) This can and will be a great piece. :)

Oh, please remove those web links from the song. Its just frustrating to have to say no or have a window pop up. :)
About the guitar IS kick-ass, so why not bring it up just a tad in the mix...maybe 3-6 db or so. It's a solo, and as such it should be more prominent at that moment than the other instruments....

Good work. I sing about like you, possibly worse. I won't post any of mine because I'd get the same sort of comments that you have. You've got fairly good self-esteem if you can take the constructive criticism without being down on your self.
I hope my comments were not taken as a "criticism" of the singing voice. I'd encourage you and any other person to just practice and get rid of that shyness. Other than that I think your singing voice is pretty good. Good voice is more common than good skill. And any skill is only developed by practicing more. :)

So I'd say sing more. :)

grweldon - I'd say that same to you. No worries about how the voice sounds. If people like Zepplin, Guns 'n Roses, Iron Maiden can sing the best they can and actually make a whole new style popular, then so can you. :D. I mean how many people over the years have tried to immitate Zepplin?
thanx, ya i understand its encouragement. well i've been practicing more often lately hopefully it gets better, singing was the last thing i ever thought about when i picked up the guitar... thanx for the comments.