Skins for Sonar...

lost studios

New member
Hi all.
Anyone know if anyone is making skins for Sonar 2.0. The Console view in particular. Gees... it's horrible. The track view is nice, but I like setup of a 19" flatscreen/console view w/ a digital mixer sitting in front of it controlling it. And the track view in monitor sitting next to it.
I just hate Sonar's console view. Forget about using a resolution beyond 800x600 with it. I know Samplitude has some great skins, but so far have not found any for Sonar. Perhaps Samplitudes coding architecture is different....

any insight?
lost studios said:
Forget about using a resolution beyond 800x600 with it.

Suck it up.

I use Sonar 2.0 xl on a 19" monitor on 1152 x 864 resolution and it looks great. I'd love to get a flat screen though *drools*
lost studios said:
Hi all.
Anyone know if anyone is making skins for Sonar 2.0. The Console view in particular. Gees... it's horrible. The track view is nice, but I like setup of a 19" flatscreen/console view w/ a digital mixer sitting in front of it controlling it. And the track view in monitor sitting next to it.
I just hate Sonar's console view.


The answer is simple - don't use Console View.

One of the beauties of Sonar is that you can do most EVERYTHING in Track View. Admittedly, if you are coming from a previous version of Cake (like most of us), there is a learning curve in doing this, but it will pay HUGE dividends later.

Take Console View right out of the product, I wouldn't even know it.

If you have trouble weening, I think there is a Console View patch, or maybe gum you can take while withdrawing. :D

...Hey, Console View is there to impress client... See the automated fader running up and down... the led display jumping here and there... clients like 'em. That's what they want to see. Looks "professional" & computish. :D

:D :D :D
Hey, Console View is there to impress client
Yes! Nothing else. Well, I prefer to look at meters that are alligned verticaly, so that's what I use the Console for... and impressing clients, of course. :D