Ski Crashes

You know, I always understood that we were supposed to ski AROUND the trees or else fly OVER them. Not THROUGH them. Handy safety tip.

Wicked good video bro! :D

A few years ago I took my first trip on a set of racing skis - Atomics. The only skis I ever had that could get going too fast for me. i was doing fine, taking a slow run through some kindawet powder (the only kind we have in the East) and went over a water bar hidden in the snow. Both skis stopped dead and I was launched! Well the bindings worked just about right.... :D
I never wore a helmet skiing, but you should! :p

Glad I don't ski anymore, too cold, too much pain (from the cold). Too expensive as well. I'll stick with the beach, that's free :) I like to bodysurf and wipe out right in the surf, and roll around like a fat beached whale. Good times :D

Also, the chicks don't wear bikinis skiing. Well, unless it's the last day of March or something . . .