singing in tune....please help

I'm the guitarist in my band and I sometimes sing background vocals whilst playing guitar. Now, if I practice at home, or sing without a mike, everything sounds fine and I'm perfectly in tune. Now as soon as I sing in the mike (and hear myself louder through my monitor than I'm hearing myself through my head), long notes just go like ~~~~~ and sometimes I'm just out of tune, and while I'm singing I can't really make up if I'm to high or to low, very frustrating, because I do hear I'm out of tune.

What can I do to help prevent this? when I close one ear with my finger, I hear myself through my head very clear and I'm in tune again.
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Hiya's a common problem so don't feel like you are an odd ball or something :) Perhaps cotton or an ear plug in one ear would be a good thing in the short term. Let me have a wee think about some other strategies for you and get back to you. oh and don't freak out...I teach singing lol *snogs -Twinks
In the mean time if you want some exercises or anything to do..give me a screech :)
Singing through a PA takes practice. Just like singing with headphones. There's a big difference between acoustically, headphones, and a PA.

They all take getting used to.

I would just say practice it as much as you can. You'll get used to it eventually.
well it sounds like you arent tone deaf, thank God;). Voice Lessons are a must, whether you are a background singer, Operatic Star, rock star or jazz singer. I have been singing professionally since age 22 or so, and from being around all these amazing singers(not me, :) ) I have gathered some knowledge. Voice lessons help everyone. Its a skill that takes practice like anything else, the vocal cords are muscles that need to be worked right. Also, sounds like sightsinging and music theory/perfect pitch classes would help as well. when you become confident in the voice placement/pitch, hearing yourself wont effect you that much, though like the other poster said..having a earplug in one ear always works wonders. I do it all the time, especially when i am working on demos.