Singing Criticism Needed


New member
I know this isn't the best site for this but I do know that you guys are honest and give good advice and criticism so I hope you don't mind if I ask this here.

I have been playing guitar for a few years now and just recently got some stuff for recording music. It's pretty inexpensive gear but it seems to work fine. The only problem is that I record something and listen to it and I really can't stand my voice and it seems kind of pitchy and like a bad voice for music. My parent and close friends say it's good but they wouldn't want to hurt my feelings.

So give it to me straight, what do you think?

Sorry about that hissy noise in the recording. It came in after I uploaded and leave the recording criticism for another time since I haven't really figured out what I'm doing yet and I just recorded the vocals and guitar at the same time and just exported it as it was.
Not bad. It sounds like you might be holding back a little though. Just relax and let your singing flow.

You might get more comments by posting in the songwriting or mp3 mixing forums.
...You have good pitch and a good tone to your voice, so the battle is half-won :).

Like Dani said, you need to 'let the air flow' more and take a few more chances in your singing, but you have the basics of what could become a very nice singing voice.

Go in and belt one out, just for the heck of it, to see how it sounds.

Keep at it,
I thought it was actually very good! Nice job.

I have a couple questions for ya:

1. What recording gear did you use?
2. Did you record the guitar and vocals at the same time or separately?
3. What guitar do you have?

Nice job man. ;)
Thanks for the help everyone.

Concerning how it sounds like I am holding back, that may be partly to do with the fact that I am still trying to get comfortable recording. That may sound silly but for some reason I get kind of nervous when I record. I'll work on that though.

ahrenba, all of my stuff is pretty low end. I'm using a MXL 990 mic, monster cables, and a Lexicon Omega usb interface. I used a Carlo Robelli guitar and on this song I just recorded the guitars and vocals at the same time for convenience.

Thanks again for the input and tips.
Just keep singing, in time you will get to the point where it wont matter if the recorder is on or not. The best vocals occur when you just focus on singing and just ignore the recorder.
Yeah, I am a pretty big indie fan and I love the Decemberists. I will probably record a cover of "Eli the Barrow Boy" or maybe "A Cautionary Song" next.

Glad too see a fellow Sufjan fan too. You live in the Upper Peninsula drummerboy?
pretty cool dude, the up is the place to be, i've been to ironwood a few times but that's neither here nor there

awesome voice really, i love the style.
i've listened to the track 5 times now and going for 6, very very nice dude.
theres nothing negative i can say :S
Your voice sounds good, you just need to get some air behind it.

I know exactly what you mean about having the recorder running. I seem to be able to sing outloud over my speakers just fine, but mute the speakers, put on the headphones, and suddenly I can't do squat! One thing that helped me, was keeping one ear open and not monitoring the vocals in my headphones so I could hear myself the way I normally do. Another thing was not caring any more if the neighbors could hear me and just singing loud. Well, not "loud" exactly, but at full volume.

I find that I'm much more likely to be pitchy when I'm unsure of myself and don't sing loud enough. I do my best when I just don't care and let it all out. (Not that it's *much* better in my case, but we do what we can. :))
Sounds pretty good to me!

Pitchy? Very little....

I agree that you should close your eyes and just focus. I hear, what appears to be some unsureness. You tend to pull off some of your words, especially that last word in each bar, and I think it takes away from the lyrics.
I think that style of music requires more emotion/expression and articulation.
Anything that needs fixin is minor. You're off to a great start!:D
I like it...

I think you sound fine. I wish my voice was half as good but I will stick to back up vocals, LOL!

Really, great job. Keep singing. I would like to hear a more cheerful song but it sounds like this came from within:)