Since this is the Tascam forum...


New member
Hi all,

Just wanting your thoughts about potential gear purchases.

Since I should be getting a nice tax refund this year, I was thinking about buying more equipment. Aren't we always? I had my eye on a Tascam DA38, 78, 88 or 98 on Ebay. I would also like to get an ADAT.

So here's the question: would these two pieces of equipment be worhtwhile or would I be wasting my money? I have two Korg D1600s and use them for recording. I was hoping to one day have a studio and thought these pieces of equipment would be good to have just in case a customer comes in with something on one of those formats.

Anyway, just curious. Thanks for any input.
If you do have serious plans of equipping your studio to meet the needs of clients who might be bringing in MDM tapes, then it makes sense to buy the lowest mileage units you can get your hands on as new heads and maintenance in general on these units is complex and expensive...keep in mind you might want to have at least 3 of these units on hand to handle a 24 track sessions which your clients might be bringing to you to sweeten or mixdown.

On the other hand, as a professional studio, it's hard to be all things to all people and attempting to stockpile gear in the vague hopes of some possible client coming to you because you have them and offer a unique and valuable service is also something that needs to be better thought out if that route is the smartest to take.

There are many digital formats out there and many different hardware and software environments to consider. Many studios these days are missing all manner of analog gear and many clients may be seeking out a studio that has that gear so that they can remix or do analog to digital transfers.

Personally, I like buying gear that I know I am going to use and enjoy first and if I buy something that seems more like a business purchase then a personal one, I think long and hard about how worthy and valuable that purchase really is.

Cheers! :)

Thanks for the info.

I guess it's just one of those things. I'd like to have the Tascam and the ADAT, but I probably wouldn't use them very much. It would be more like peace of mind to have them just sitting in my rack so I could look at them and marvel at how much gear I have.

And then of course I'd have to move on to obsess about the next piece of gear I wanted. It never ends.

Thanks for your insight.
raddo said:
I could look at them and marvel at how much gear I have.

And then of course I'd have to move on to obsess about the next piece of gear I wanted. It never ends.
Yeah. :D

I wonder how much gear has been bought over the years so that we could just sit there and look at it and dream about all the cool things that could be accomplished with them if we only had the time and inspiration to put them to work for real. :o

Then, one day, years latter, we look at all this stuff and wonder why on earth we ever bought it and think of all the other great crap we could have got instead, like a nicer car or a bigger house in a better neighborhood or a bigger contribution to our retirement nest egg or......... :D

Then there's the other rationalization that at least we didn't blow the money on drugs or booze or gambling and we actually have something real to show for all our hard work in crappy jobs. ;)

I don't know. I'm not a philosopher or great seer into the human condition but I guess if it makes us happy, it can't be all that bad.

Cheers! :)
Hey, you should know the above syndrome is not only suffered by Tascam owners.
I've had a variety of recording machines (inc Tazzies). I always resist the 'the new model is sooo much better than the old one' routine for a while and then, like an addict, I find myself reading the reviews and visiting the stores just to have a look, and suddenly I've bought it.
Hence my new Yammy AW1600.
But, I have to say that's better than when I went down the computer route: I bought ProTools and marvelled at it. Every time I went to record I marvelled at it. 18 months later I was still marvelling at it - and hadn't recorded a bloody thing.

At least with a bit of hardware I can get past the 'look at what this can do' stage, and get on with recording music.

I've even started using a hardware sequencer as well.

(but I'm not going back to analogue!!!)


PS Anybody wanna buy an M Box?
The Ghost of FM said:
we look at all this stuff and wonder why on earth we ever bought it and think of all the other great crap we could have got instead
15 years later I still wonder this about that Gawd Daaaam Alesis 1622 mixer I bought........

The Ghost of FM said:
Then there's the other rationalization that at least we didn't blow the money on drugs or booze or gambling and we actually have something real to show for all our hard work in crappy jobs.
I am ever so grateful that I can tell myself this same thing....... and I think about all the other nicer gear I could have now if I hadn't wasted any money at all on parties....

The Ghost of FM said:
I don't know. I'm not a philosopher or great seer into the human condition
I can safely and gladly say from direct personal experience that you, Sir Ghost, should not underestimate yourself in this manner! You have certainly helped me and many others over the years..... - SC
When it comes to Adats I am one of those guys that had to have two of them when they came out to start my studio. Along with a mackie 24/8 mixer.

All I can say about both of those is that I really think it would have been more fun to take the 8500.00 dollars they cost and flush it down the toilet one dollar at a time.
If I had only known :rolleyes:
The Ghost of FM said:
Then, one day, years latter, we look at all this stuff and wonder why on earth we ever bought it and think of all the other great crap we could have got instead, like a nicer car or a bigger house in a better neighborhood or a bigger contribution to our retirement nest egg or......... :D

Then there's the other rationalization that at least we didn't blow the money on drugs or booze or gambling and we actually have something real to show for all our hard work in crappy jobs. ;)

I read ALL of your posts but think this one hits closest to home. Thanks for the reminder. Back to work. My MSR16 beckons ;) , Dave.
raddo said:
Hi all,

I had my eye on a Tascam DA38, 78, 88 or 98 on Ebay. I would also like to get an ADAT.

So here's the question: would these two pieces of equipment be worhtwhile or would I be wasting my money?

I think it would be a waste of money to buy this gear, unless, you have a specific immediate need for them. I think the chances of someone bringing in a VHS or Hi-8 tape to work with in your studio is slim to none. However, if you have one of each (Adat/Tascam) and appropriate connections, you could fly the tracks into your computer and continue working on the project.

I've learned my lesson. I bought the Tascam 88 system for my *for hire* studio back in the mid-90s, and even though they were better built, and arguably better sounding? than the Adat, almost everyone was using Adat. Adat beat Tascam to the market with the modular 8 track dig. recorder. I would take call after call 'hey dude, I want to do drum tracks in yer studio, I got Adats to work with', and I would politely send them away because Adat and Tascam weren't compatible and it was expensive to convert formats. I lost money for not having the 'flavor of the day' gear. I think these days computer formats will be the standard for most project studios and Pro Tools is the buzz word. I would focus my attention on that instead of older MDMs.

Aaaaaanyway.....if you do decide to buy an old Tascam DA38/88 like I just did off of Ebay, be warned, you *must* buy a later model machine with low hours on it. The early DA88s had issues that require mods and all the Tascams require scheduled maintenance that you will not be able to perform. I bought a DA38 last week with 44 hours on it for 350.00 and I feel I paid a premium, however, I have a mountain of Hi-8 music to transfer into my Cubase system.

I won't speak of the old Adats because I never owned one.

But looking at that DA38 sitting on my dining room table just makes me shake my head and I need 'gear acquisition syndrome' therapy? :confused:
Herm said:
Along with a mackie 24/8 mixer.:rolleyes:

Beg to differ but I have a Mackie SR series board that I really like. (SR24-4 VLZ Pro) I have used it hard for the last six years and it has never - Knock on wood. - given me a problem. The sound is great and the board is very forgiving. I don't plan to change it out any time soon. I get great sound and can use it. Just my $.02, Dave.
Hi everyone

I too have purchased 2no tascam da 38's ( i now have 3), so that i could improve my studios setup. Along with this purchase I obtained a mixer m1600 24 channels which I love. The problem I see with people is that evryone eorks differently. does mean that I have to purchase more hi8 tapes, however I'm perfectly happy working this way.

I don't have much faith in computers for recording (only editing), because hard drive constantly fail. That said "...if it aint broke... you know the saying.

My main frustration is that tascam claim that they cannot supply me with a manual for my mixer...yet roland always have theirs available. grrrr!

Happy recording everyone