simplest mixer interface?


New member
I am looking to go from recording 2 channels to 4 channels. I would like to keep the pres & A/d converters separate from the mixer. In the mixer all I really want is a very simple user interface with just a digital in & a hard drive. I plan on doing my mixing for the tracks on the computer later on.

Anyone have any recommendations? I know looks like a perfect setup for going straight to the computer, but would rather have a more normal looking interface (and no fans) for ease of use.
Sounds like you want something like an Alesis HD24. Otherwise somethink like the Echo firewire device which would record direct to your PC
Deepwater, Looking at the Alesis 24 it looks good, but is a bit of overkill (24 channels where I need 4, plus all the analog). There just not seem to be alot inbetween.

I think I may reconsider the firewire options. Any favorite programs on the computer side for 'VCR' interfaces?