Simplest Interface for MacBook Pro


New member
So many different audio interfaces to choose from!

I have a Soundcraft mixer I want to use with my MacBook Pro - all I need is a simple FireWire or USB in and out device. I don't need all the extra knobs and jacks; that's what the mixer is for.

A PCI card (to me) works best - no frills and it's simple. But until I can upgrade my Mac workstation a PCI card won't be happening. I'll continue using my MacBook Pro and Logic Pro until then.

I hear a lot about Saffire but even the least expensive model has a lot of knobs, buttons and jacks. Seems like a lot of stuff that's not even necessary.

Any suggestions?

I use the mixer to feed the poweramp and speakers, so I need audio OUT of the FireWire or USB port.

What MBP do you have? I would definitely opt for an Express Card format if you have the slot.

I'm dubious about external FW and USB audio interfaces because of potential stability and latency issues unless you go relatively high end, hence the gazillion knobs, bells and whistles. Check out the Apogee Duet.
Just because the "extra" knobs and bells and whistles are there doesn't mean you have to use them. The saffire seems to be a good all rounder for what you need. I would recommend the RME Multiface. It's a bit of money but it can hook up to your laptop with the cardbus card and use pci or pcie when you do upgrade in the future. It's also a very good converter and sounds great and is rock solid stability wise, this is coming from a current owner/daily user.
Thanks to both of you!

The RME Multiface is a nice unit, but pricey. Maybe in the future sometime I'll go in this direction. The Apogee Duet is nice also, but pricey, also.

I have a MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 1GB 120GB, with a PCMCIA slot. Can either of you suggest a card for this slot that will allow me to interface (in and out) of my MacBook Pro?

Thanks again.
The only one I know of is the Multiface 1/2. Maybe look into a Multiface 1. They go for around $300 now a days. Try to find one with the Hammerfall cardbus, this is pcmcia and will allow you to use it w/your macbook. Of course you can buy them separate if you find a deal on one that you don't want to pass up.
I have the Steinberg CI2, came with a "light" version of Cubase 5 (that one does not have to use, of course). Two ins, two outs, phantom power. Connects via USB. Real simple.
What MBP do you have? I would definitely opt for an Express Card format if you have the slot.

I wouldn't. No Mac laptop except the 17" for a long time, which means the next time you upgrade, unless you go with the 17", you'll be stuck with an interface that you can no longer use.... That's kind of short-sighted.
Remember that if you get a two I/O interface, you will basically be stuck with recording the stereo out of your Mixer. If that's your intent, then you're fine. If however you want to record more than the stereo out, say you want to record 8 tracks at a time, you will need an interface with an equal or greater number of inputs. I don't know what your level of experience is so please excuse me if this is all old hat to you.

You get what you pay for. Honestly, most interfaces under $500 will leave you disappointed with their quality and likely their compatibility.

RME have a good name and for good reason. Good drivers, expandability and quality converters.

Don't waste your money on something that you will end up selling in a month for something better.