Simple question about Joe Meek


New member
Just a short question (hopefully) - what kind of results can I expect by using a Joemeek MQ3 compressor and an M-Audio Audio buddy in sequence to record guitars and vocals? Are they supposed to be used in sequence (I haven't ordered them yet, so I'm making sure before I buy)?

As you can tell, I'm still very much a newbie! Please reply - thanks!
The Audio Buddy is a mic preamp. The MQ3 is a compressor and mic preamp plus EQ section. In theory if you bought the MQ3 you wouldn't need the Audio Buddy. My understanding is that the Audio Buddy has a more neutral sound, which may be an issue.
vomortis said:
what kind of results can I expect by using a Joemeek MQ3 compressor and an M-Audio Audio buddy in sequence to record guitars and vocals?

You could, but I don't see the point in it.
Thanks for the feedback everyone - I decided to buy the RNC instead, it's more suited to what I wanted (just a compressor) and from what I've heard it's very transparent. Cheers.