Simple Audiophile 24/96 Question

Chris Long

New member
And I DO mean simple...don't laugh, just thought I'd make sure before doing anything...

I'm plannning on getting one of these cards in the very near future. I'm going to simply use it as my regular day-to-day sound card (as well as the occasional project of course, but nothing on a regular basis) so I will need to hook it up to my computer speakers (an old pair of Advents, quite nice actually)

Anyway, the Advents have a (male) stereo mini plug connector, and the Audiophile has 2 RCA outputs, left and right. Am I correct in assuming that I need to get a (female) stereo mini to 2 (male) RCA "Y" adapter cord to hook this up to my speakers correctly?

Thanks in advance...Right now I'm slogging along with my onboard sound after my old SB Live! card finally died (Yay!) so I'm ready to get something decent for a change and join the adult world...although the onboard is fine for day to day stuff--just can't get around the lag when I use it with my Sonar.

Thanks again
What you are thinking is right. The only other thing is if the advents are not self powered, you will need to power the speakers with some sort of power amp (rack mount / or stereo system or?).
The audiophile card is only line level and will not drive speakers or headphones.

Hope that helps!

That's correct. I had trouble finding an adapter like that when I got my 2496 card. If you can't find one then use a double female mini and a male mini to rca female. Then you can use a regular RCA cable to the soundcard.
Now I route everything through a Behringer UB802 mixer which works great.
Thanks, everyone, for the clear answers (and for not laughing out loud at the question!). Tom, the Advents are self-powered, so I'll be good there. I can order up the cord now without worrying about it being another useless addition to my junk box--

Actually, I just might solder up the cord myself from parts. That kind of work is like therapy to me, and I know the components are good that way--
