Sighted computer user wanted to help blind user


New member
Hi folks.

As a blind computer user, I often run into programs whose graphics do not have any keystrokes, labels or descriptive text associated with them. Normally, software I use to access the screen reads out such text. This is often the case with music applications with highly customized user interfaces.

Here's what I would love to try, with a willing volunteer. There's some money in this for you if we can make the process work.

I have software that lets me label up graphics so my screen reading software can announce them. But, to label things, I first need someone to position the mouse exactly on the object in question.

That's where you come in. I'd like to connect with someone via Skype, and also by using a free program (Teamviewer, CrossLoop or similar) which gives you remote control of the mouse and a view of my screen. That way, you could position the mouse on things, and then I could go ahead and label them, assign a keystroke to them etc.

I have a very fast cable connection here. I'm guessing you would need a fairly quick connection on your end as well, plus a mic to use Skype.

So, does anybody want to be a guinea pig and drive my mouse remotely?

Two more things:
1. the program I'd like to gain access too sounds, from the documentation description, fairly simple. It's the VRM Box software for the Focusrite VRM Box.

2. Any labeling we are able to do doesn't just benefit me. It benefits any other blind folks interested in gaining access to the same application.

If you'd like to help or just give this a shot out of interest, please get in touch.

Thanks for reading and considering,
