Shure RIBBON mics are up, along with two model 535 Dynamics


New member
Both of my Shure Ribbon mics are up on the BAY, and I also have two dynamics model 535 up as well

here are the links................
Vintage Shure RIBBON microphone model 315-S works great - eBay (item 120226400983 end time Mar-02-08 13:14:23 PST)
Vintage Shure Microphone model 535 Very nice cond - eBay (item 120226400746 end time Mar-02-08 13:13:44 PST)
Don't know if anyone is interested in these, but one I was watching without a cord, and ???? whether it works or not, just went for $187.51

Mine both work VERY WELL, and have cords

great condition too, for something this old, I should be in as good a shape!!!!!!

I just had to re-schedule these, and edit some of the description, and separated the two into their own auctions.

Sorry for the confusion..

Everything back up and running
scheduled to end on Sunday

go here ..........
Vintage Shure RIBBON microphone model 315-S WORKS GREAT - eBay (item 120226659430 end time Mar-02-08 16:03:00 PST)

Vintage Shure Microphone model 535 Very nice cond - eBay (item 120226656574 end time Mar-02-08 15:45:00 PST)

Look at all the other stuff too, lots more soon!!!:rolleyes:
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