Should Parents Have A Say In Their Child's Education?

Mick Doobie

Democrat candidate for Governor of the state of Virginia Terry McAuliffe recently made the statement during a debate, "I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” In the same debate he proudly acknowledged when he previously sat as governor of Virginia he vetoed legislation which would have alerted parents of sexually explicit content in instructional material. McAuliffe added, "I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decision.” Many parents do not agree with McAuliffe, and feel that of all people parents should have a direct say in their child's education. Having a direct say in some of those parent's opinion to include limiting education in schools to the primary objective of teaching the three Rs, Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic, and leave the teaching of values and social mores to the parents. Parents are tired of being ignored and are voicing their concerns at school board meetings in not only Virginia, but elsewhere as well. As a result, school boards and other government officials have called for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's involvement, the FBI, suggesting and outright accusing concerned parents of being "domestic terrorists". School boards no longer feel they need to listen to parents, and are belligerent and hostile to the idea that the purpose of school boards is to serve the community rather than dictate.

What say ye?

Within the last year a teenaged female student was allegedly assaulted, raped, and sodomized in the girl's bathroom at a Loudoun County, Virginia, public school. The accused rapist was a male student wearing a skirt, apparently "identifying" as a female. If not policy at the time, Loudoun County schools have intentions to allow male students who identify as female into the girl's bathroom. The victim of the rape immediately reported the attack. Why the perp was not immediately arrested, I can't say. However, what is known is while an investigation was being conducted the perp was not suspended but transferred to another school. At the school to which he was transferred he forced a female student into an empty classroom where she was assaulted and groped. I guess because the perp is a juvenile the justice system is moving slowly, and quietly. Schools are required by law to report to a publically accessible database crimes such as sexual assault and rape. The father of the girl who was raped and sodomized went to a school board meeting to question the school board about the matter. The Loudoun County Superintendent of Schools all but publically called the father a liar, saying there have been no reports of sexual assaults at Loudoun County schools. The fact of the matter is, not only was there the assault on that father's daughter, but other girls in the past had been assaulted, and contrary to requirements by law those sexual assaults were never reported or recorded in the database. Another on the school board called the man a liar. Naturally the man objected and became angry. He was wrestled to the ground, arrested, and faces time in jail.

Is this Terry McAuliffe's vision for Virginia? To endanger your children and grandchildren in schools? To supplant parental discretion with governmental control? To call the FBI into the discussion to end discussion? To designate parents as domestic terrorists and threaten jail time?

Who decides what is in best interest of the child, the parent, or the government?
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Nice job of summarizing talking points directly from a Republican political commercial.

Well, it's highly doubtful you're going to see a Democrat political commercial of McAuliffe telling parents to fuck off when it comes to decisions made to educate their children, and if you can't manage that we'll see to it you're designated an enemy of the state and seek prosecution & jail time.

Up to speed now? You're welcome.

Now, do you want to continue to play partisan slap fight, or do you care to address the subject matter?

Maybe while you're at it you can scoot on over to the other thread and give a little love & support to workers in Canada who are being denied rights and union representation. It's about principles, not partisan posturing. You're principled, yeah?
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Well, it's highly doubtful you're going to see a Democrat political commercial of McAuliffe telling parents to fuck off when it comes to decisions made to educate their children, and if you can't manage that we'll see to it you're designated an enemy of the state and seek prosecution & jail time.

Up to speed now? You're welcome.

Now, do you want to continue to play partisan slap fight, or do you care to address the subject matter?

Maybe while you're at it you can scoot on over to the other thread and give a little love & support to workers in Canada who are being denied rights and union representation. It's about principles, not partisan posturing. You're principled, yeah?

You are parroting a Republican political commercial, point for point.

Whereas regular folks get their news from journalists, you get yours straight from politicians.
ibleedburgundy said:
You are parroting a Republican political commercial, point for point.

Whereas regular folks get their news from journalists, you get yours straight from politicians.

Weak sauce.

I suppose this is the point at which I am to go on the defensive as to the source of the information. A deflection, a change of focus, irrelevant to the point, as you would have it rather than address statements made by Democrat candidate Terry McAuliffe. McAuliffe said, "I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Did he not? Is that news to you? Whether your preferred news journalists at the Washington Post reported on it I can't say, it is neither here nor there relevant to this discussion. Many "regular folks", citizens of Virginia, they are aware he made that statement. Parents should be aware, no matter the source. If they are made aware through Republican talking points and political commercials, i'm certain we can both agree a beneficial service has been provided which might otherwise be neglected by some "news journalists".

Knowledge is good, yeah? To prefer citizens and parents of children in Virginia remain ignorant of McAuliffe's statements would be....oh, I don't know....evil? I think it was a guy named Socrates who said something of the sort.
ibleedburgundy said:
regular folks get their news from journalists

Any regular folk who care to do a google search "washington post mcauliffe" will find the #1 result at the top of the page is "Terry McAuliffe For Governor - Endorsed by Washington Post". Pray tell, who are these journalists of which you speak, and where might we irregulars find them?


We done with the my news is better and less biased than your political talking points bull hockey? Democrat Candidate for Governor Terry McAuliffe said, "I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Assuming your child is/will attend public school, which is doubtful, do you agree with McAuliffe that you should not have a say in what your child is taught in school? Perhaps more importantly, do you agree there are things your child should not be taught in school and should be left to the discretion of the parent to teach in the home? Terry McAuliffe does not. If schools decide it is in the educational best interest of grade school children to learn to place a condom on a banana, children such as perhaps your daughter who you've mentioned, do you agree parents should be notified prior to your little girl learning in elementary school about condoms, and "bananas"? Terry McAuliffe does not. Terry McAuliffe does not believe in parental notification, and vetoed a bill requiring parental notification requirements in the past while governor. Terry McAuliffe does not even believe the decision to opt out from your child learning about condoms and "bananas" from a stranger at school should be that of the parent, because Terry McAuliffe believes, "I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

More and more "regular folk" are expressing concern and disagreement with school boards, schools that are funded with their taxes and their children are sent to learn the things parents learned in school, how to read, how to write, and how to use numbers. Increasingly schools are becoming less accountable, educational standards suffer in favor of what can be termed social engineering. School boards, school and other government officials have expressed a desire to have the FBI intervene to silence disagreement and dissent. Even the Attorney General of the United States Eric Garland has waded into the fray.

The gentleman whose daughter was raped and sodomized in school by a "transgender" in the girl's bathroom, and strongly objected at a school board meeting to being told there was no record of any sexual assaults at his daughter's school and he was a liar, he was wrestled to the ground, arrested, is facing jail time for misdemeanor offenses, and is facing calls to be designated a domestic terrorist.

Democrat Terry McAuliffe is part of the political and governmental machine that seeks to usurp parental rights and criminalize objection to unaccountability, and tyranny. Perhaps too personal a question, will you be voting for Terry McAuliffe? Then again, I suspect it is highly unlikely your child will be attending public school with regular folks.
Look at these domestic terrorists intimidating the Fairfax County Virginia Schoolboard, objecting to pedophilia and pornography made available to students in the school library. If elected Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe will put an end to this. As McAuliffe has said, "I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach." You don't get to see the illustrations in the useful for learning reading material, the school's media department cuts away to a long shot. After all, it is none of your business to see the learning material your children are exposed to in school. Schools will decide, so know your place and butt out.

Democrat candidate for Governor of the state of Virginia Terry McAuliffe recently made the statement during a debate, "I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” In the same debate he proudly acknowledged when he previously sat as governor of Virginia he vetoed legislation which would have alerted parents of sexually explicit content in instructional material. McAuliffe added, "I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decision.” Many parents do not agree with McAuliffe, and feel that of all people parents should have a direct say in their child's education. Having a direct say in some of those parent's opinion to include limiting education in schools to the primary objective of teaching the three Rs, Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic, and leave the teaching of values and social mores to the parents. Parents are tired of being ignored and are voicing their concerns at school board meetings in not only Virginia, but elsewhere as well. As a result, school boards and other government officials have called for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's involvement, the FBI, suggesting and outright accusing concerned parents of being "domestic terrorists". School boards no longer feel they need to listen to parents, and are belligerent and hostile to the idea that the purpose of school boards is to serve the community rather than dictate.

What say ye?

Within the last year a teenaged female student was allegedly assaulted, raped, and sodomized in the girl's bathroom at a Loudoun County, Virginia, public school. The accused rapist was a male student wearing a skirt, apparently "identifying" as a female. If not policy at the time, Loudoun County schools have intentions to allow male students who identify as female into the girl's bathroom. The victim of the rape immediately reported the attack. Why the perp was not immediately arrested, I can't say. However, what is known is while an investigation was being conducted the perp was not suspended but transferred to another school. At the school to which he was transferred he forced a female student into an empty classroom where she was assaulted and groped. I guess because the perp is a juvenile the justice system is moving slowly, and quietly. Schools are required by law to report to a publically accessible database crimes such as sexual assault and rape. The father of the girl who was raped and sodomized went to a school board meeting to question the school board about the matter. The Loudoun County Superintendent of Schools all but publically called the father a liar, saying there have been no reports of sexual assaults at Loudoun County schools. The fact of the matter is, not only was there the assault on that father's daughter, but other girls in the past had been assaulted, and contrary to requirements by law those sexual assaults were never reported or recorded in the database. Another on the school board called the man a liar. Naturally the man objected and became angry. He was wrestled to the ground, arrested, and faces time in jail.

Is this Terry McAuliffe's vision for Virginia? To endanger your children and grandchildren in schools? To supplant parental discretion with governmental control? To call the FBI into the discussion to end discussion? To designate parents as domestic terrorists and threaten jail time?

Who decides what is in best interest of the child, the parent, or the government?

There is NO WAY our grand daughter will be going to a public school.
The FBI is a domestic terrorist organization, threatening the citizens of this country for exercising their right to free speech.
the union is DEAD, and it's time to split up into 2 or more countries.
Any regular folk who care to do a google search "washington post mcauliffe" will find the #1 result at the top of the page is "Terry McAuliffe For Governor - Endorsed by Washington Post". Pray tell, who are these journalists of which you speak, and where might we irregulars find them?

You don't understand how newspapers work.

The Washington Post has an Editorial board that writes opinions, and several hundred journalists who write news stories. The opinion writers and the journalists are completely separate and distinct. The opinion writers - NOT the journalists - endorse candidates.
You don't understand how newspapers work.
The opinion writers - NOT the journalists - endorse candidates.
You are 100% incorrect. The owners of every newspaper in the country dictate the opinions of their editorial staff and determine which news stories journalists within their employee are allowed to write about and which news stories they aren't allowed to write about.

To parrot Sleepy Joe, "Cmon man, it's just part of the process".

The process has become the problem to the extent that it is ripping this country apart. Not North versus South or West versus East. The process is ripping this country apart State by State, County by County, and Town by Town.

The process is working.
You don't understand how newspapers work.

The Washington Post has an Editorial board that writes opinions, and several hundred journalists who write news stories. The opinion writers and the journalists are completely separate and distinct. The opinion writers - NOT the journalists - endorse candidates.

I understand precisely how the Washington Post works.
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Why do I participate in this forum.
Because you still have the freedom of expressing your opinions here at HR.
Not everyone ever agrees with you, but most HR members tolerate you and demonstrate their ability to not go low and identify you as a dumbfuck liberal.

Overall it appears that for all the years that you have been posting at HR it seems that you still haven't !earned how to play nice and respect differing opinions.

That's on you. You only have yourself to blame for your inability and unwillingness to listen to or read differences of opinion.

Believe it or not IBB I appreciate your presence here at HR.
Why do I participate in this forum.

Oh ye trust fund D.C. bubble spoiled bitch. Maybe if you got out and actually got sweat on your shoulders alongside those who you dismiss as too unintelligent to comprehend your myopic view of how things should be you'd come to the reality that you're a soft motherfucker full of empty ideals who is more than happy to let his accountant do the dirty work.
Oh ye trust fund D.C. bubble spoiled bitch. Maybe if you got out and actually got sweat on your shoulders alongside those who you dismiss as too unintelligent to comprehend your myopic view of how things should be you'd come to the reality that you're a soft motherfucker full of empty ideals who is more than happy to let his accountant do the dirty work.

^ I think maybe it was The Gerg or somebody who said something like that. What the hell do I know, I just parrot shit.