Should I upgrade to Sonar 4


New member
from Cakewalk 2004 HS?

I don't do much midi. Pure audio recording and mixing. Mostly rock.

What are some of the significant new features and benefits?
MPEX3 Time and Pitch-shifting - It works and sounds pretty transparent even on outrageous amounts, ie. an octave.

Track Folders and Clip-Muting - This saves so much crapping about time when comping takes.

Those two things alone make a hell of a lot of difference to me every time I click that Sonar 4.0 Producer Edition icon.


i'm pondering the same exact thing... the upgrade from 2004 to sonar 4 professional is $375, and i'm finding that hard to pass up this holiday season.
i did, and that just makes it harder not to shell out the cash. i guess monitors can wait until the birthday in february :-D
Monitors First!

MONITORS!!! Get the MONITORS FIRST!!! I went monitorless for a long time and the SECOND i got the monitors music production improved 10 fold...get new production software second. You've already got a decent base to work won't enjoy Sonar 4 as much without them. I SWEAR!
Sonar 4.0.1

I just installed Sonar 4 this week. The people at Cakewalk have been great! It has a bit of a learning curve but worth every minute it took. I use it with the Tascam US-2400 controller. I could not be happier.
The other person indicated you currently have either no or inferior monitors. If either is the case, spend your money on monitors. Wait on the upgrade.


Where is Brashear?
Brashear is a spot in the road between Dallas & Texarkana on I-30. We have 30 acres south of Brashear approx. 8 miles.