should I upgrade from my tannoy PBM 6.5's


New member
I have a home studio, nothing great.

I've had my eyes on the krk st8 for a while but I already have my tannoy PBM 6.5 (i had these since 93)

is it worth to upgrade to the KRK's

OR... should I be a total gear slut and just keep the tannoys and ADD the KRKs for different sound examples when mixing. :eek:

I bought a pair of Tannoy 6.5's around the same time you did -- IMO they had the best price/sound ratio at the time.

I still have mine, and trot them out once in a while to see what a mix that I'm doing sounds like on them -- and usually I'm pleasantly surprised.

If you can afford it keep them. They're good sounding speakers and if nothing else you can use them for your home stereo...
<< If you can afford it keep them. They're good sounding speakers and if nothing else you can use them for your home stereo... >>

hmmmm that is a good idea. I would hate to part with them. they were my first (and only) real set of monitors. maybe i'll just save up and get the krks next year.