Should I Mix Individual Tracks Into Digital Recorder?


New member
Alrighty, so here's the thing. I've been reading the article on mix-bus compression in SoundOnSound mag and it gave me an idea - should I mix individual tracks with an applied compression into a digital recorder, so I could final mix and master them in my uni studios using Pro Tools? Or I'd rather bounce them into one track and do it in a normal way?

Here's my setup - I have a fairly OK laptop with Cubase, Behringer Composer Pro compressor and Roland BR600 multitrack. Here's the idea of what I have in mind - run the mix bux thru compressor -> multitrack -> monitors to monitor the sound, and then once I'm happy with it - solo the tracks and record individually.

One thing I'm concerned about is how hard it would be to rationally adjust the master faders of a) sound source coming from the laptop, b) main volume of the recorder. Because that's obviously not anything to worry about when bouncing the tracks inside of Cubase.

Is it something to consider, or this would not work at all?
I wouldn't go through all that trouble just to run them through a Behringer. Use plugin compressors on the individual tracks and master buss when mixing in PT.