Short tune I just managed to mix down. Critique if you please

whoa... can you say "Pink Panther" meets "James Bond"? (I can type it ;)) Kinda Danny Elfman-ish too... there was a movie soundtrack he did that sounds kinda similar to this...

Didn't get the 9/8 feel, but maybe I'm a musical moron :confused: last time I played something in 9/8, it was a piano lesson and I was about 12... sounded quite a bit like 4/4... but I know nothing!! ;)

Would like to hear a wide-open, hi-fi version of this as the encoding has it under 40kbps. Thanks for sharing :)

Thanks for the listen.

Oddly enough my encoder sounds like shit anywhere above 48kbps And 40 sounded better than 48. The high bitrate get very scratch and inaudible.

I use dbpowerAMP which runs LAME, I believe this is a decent encoder. So i'm stumped:confused:
i play drums so this kinda stuff appeals to me.........":ants milkin aphids"...thats cool in a"what the fuck ?"..sorta way...

ok first prob......the drums sound like you recorded them not sure but i think they may warp....
bass....really loud right on the end....

way too short.....expound on this..ANYTHING in an odd time sig will definately garner my attention...hope this doesnt sound to "down"....not intended that way at all!!!..
just add a few more ellements...and throw it back up here..

chico and the mans number one fan
pretty cool.......yeah, it sounds like you could use another encoder, but no sounds good, that's all that counts.

i really don't have any good mix's simplistic instrumentatiion and seems to work...........try adding a good vocal line over that 9/8 and i'll really start to think you're a badass....i can never come up w/ anything good over odd time sigs./
i'm sorry...

but I can count this in 4/4 the whole way through as well..

even the drum beat..kick one, snare 3....

maybe i am just missing it...sure sounds like 4/4 though.

i like it though...vey spy-oriented...could make a cool movie theme.

This nugget rocks!!.....You'll have nothing but fun and creative release while fleshing this hella idea out............You will give it body and direction, won't you?!!?;) :)

I thought I heard some crackle in the intro (from the rhythm gits) and again as the mix built up but, I've had my own problems with a simular thang and I might have blown my own monitors and my ears sensitivity to such things......I just wanted to mention it on the off chance that it would facilitate your mix.

Sweet ass concept. Bring this hearbeat of a beast to full life and you'll have more than I can handle and all that you could want!!!


ant's milking aphid's!!!

fit's perfect!!!!!!!!!!! cool picture. i completely understand!!! and that's a first.:D

too cool!!!

