Shoebucket - Our Own Space


New member
Hey everyone, here's one for critique. This is not the final mix, we are aware of a few things we need to tweak, and a few things we want to tweak, but I thought this was close enough to post for feedback. I am very happy with the overall sound quality for nearly the first time in my homerecording life, so I am eager to hear your honest, up-front feedback.

Band: Shoebucket
Song: Our Own Space
Arrangement: Guitar, Voice and Shakers
Most people here, me included, prefer mic'd acoustic guitar to a DI'd one. Kind of a high end buzzing to it.

The singer has a nice voice. Pretty song. I'd put on a couple layers of the harmony vocals in. It'd make them a little fuller and would probably sound nice.

A slight crack at 1:47. Some real distortion at 2:23 - 2:24.

You might want to tame the dynamic range. I turned it up at the beginning and then had to turn it down a couple of times as the song progressed.

The shaker goes on after everything else has finished.
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. Some of the things you mentioned are on our To Do list already, so that's good. I am not imagining it. :)

I agree with you on the DI vs. fact we had Mic'ed and DI'ed the guitar, but we were not happy with the mic'ed sound. The DI blended with the electric guitar seemed to sit nice in the mix, so we went with it. I think most of it was the guitar. I don't own a very good acoustic.
I like the song and the shaker at the end. For the guitar, can you stereo mic it? can you use three mics? two for x-y stereo and one further back? You can still do the DI track and put it way down in the mix and put a chorus on it or something. It sounds better as the song progresses, but at first, the guitar sounds very thin/DIy
Attached (thanks for the upload capability is an updated mix. Feedback welcomed. We are having some disagreements in the band, about this mix. I'd like to hear feedback to see if anyone (outside the band) confirms any of the concerns.


  • Our Own Space 23Aug10_2324.mp3
    3.9 MB · Views: 4
The acoustic sounds MUCH better in the second mix. The vocals sound great too. Honestly, I don't have much to say here in the negative, there is still some buzziness on the acoustic but it's not nearly as noticeable. I think a bass guitar track might be nice here, but as it stands it is pretty solid arrangement wise. Reminds me of Meat Puppets country stuff.
The acoustic sounds MUCH better in the second mix. I think a bass guitar track might be nice here, but as it stands it is pretty solid arrangement wise. Reminds me of Meat Puppets country stuff.

+1 on that. You can't beat a mic'ed guitar though. Sounds better than mix 1 though. The vocals are a bit muffled. Did you cut the high end? Bring it back if you did. Cool song itself.