
Hammerhead's good.

Here's a LINK to it in case you don't have it yet...

Do a search @ KVR Audio. It's kind of tricky to search the site, but I'll give you the basics.

First, when you click the link about there will be a page with a column of options down the far left hand side of the page. Skip the first 2 ('Receptor' and 'News') and click the one that says 'Instruments, Effects, Hosts, Etc.' That will take you to a 'Database Query' page and if you scroll down you will see that there's lots of choices beneath the fold.

In order - 1a is 'general plugin/host type' --- choose 'instrument'.

1b is 'choose specific plugin/host type' --- be sure to uncheck 'all', then check as many as you want to come up in your search.

2a + 2b deal with 'hosts' - I usually check VST on both of these but I'm not sure if this really matters.

3. 'OS' -- choose your operating system - mine's Windows.

4. "Include' -- in this case you'd probably want to check 'free' only just to see what's out there.

5. 'Sample formats' - I usually leave this on the default which is 'any/ignore'.

6. 'Receptor Compatability' -- not being a Receptor owner I leave this @ the default which is 'ignore'

7. 'Development Environment' - leave this at 'All/Ignore'.

8. 'Sort by' - leave this at 'Developer' for now while you're searching but later on you may want to change it to a specific plugin you're looking for.

9. 'Results per Page' - I usually leave this at the default which is 15.

Recommended: RGC Triangle II, e-phonic Drumatic, EVM Synths Bassline, AudioNerdz Delay Lama (for laughs), Ugo's Motion, Rez, String Theory and Texture, SuperwaveP8, ReFx Claw, Majeken's Chimera and SubDuer, Ichiro Toda's Synth1, HG Fortune's Proto Plasm and Fuzzpilz Oatmeal.

There are hundreds of free VSTi's and this list is by no means all of the worthwhile ones --- there's new ones being released daily and it would be a part time job just to keep up with them.

The next category you'd probably want to explore is VST effects and there are just as many if not more of those in the 'free' category -- notable for their good quality are those by Kjaerhus. The search procedure is basically the same as it is for free instruments, except with 'effects' checked.

Good luck!
Is Hammerhead a stand alone program or do I need to find a Vsti host (?) or something like that to run it?
Hammerhead makes drum sounds only and yes, you do need some kind of VSTi host. You trigger the drum sounds from your keyboard or drum pad controller.

Energy XT is the VST host of my choice and it does a whole lot more than just host VSTi's. The reason I like it and use it all the time is that you can use as much or as little of it as you want to suit your needs.

Find it here -- LINK.

I saw your reply on a return visit to add to my recommendation for you to try my favorite free synth of the day --- Mainliner --- and since it doesn't look like you took my advice on the step-by-step search of KVR I spent a whole lot longer on that than you did.

Did it look like too much trouble?

Too much work?

Not enough instant gratification?

:confused: :confused: :confused:
HomeMadeHitShow said:
errrm, Download page, very top of the screen Sonik Synth 2 Free Download
Check this out also.
Nice. I realized when I found what you were linking that I had a hell of a time authorizing that about a year ago and finally gave it up as a bad job. Maybe I should try again.

Your blog is quite cool, and I agree with what you or the guy you're quoting have to say about Reaper. It's come far enough in a short time for it to be used for serious work and I really like it's VSTfx and VSTi implementation.

ssscientist said:
I saw your reply on a return visit to add to my recommendation for you to try my favorite free synth of the day --- Mainliner --- and since it doesn't look like you took my advice on the step-by-step search of KVR I spent a whole lot longer on that than you did.

Did it look like too much trouble?

Too much work?

Not enough instant gratification?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Well, I appreciate the recommendation on the soft synth. I don't have a midi interface, so I'm not quite to the point of being able to get into soft synths yet. As far as the drum machine program, I'm not going to be triggering it thru midi, I'm going to be just programming it peice by peice. I've never used any soft synth or drum machine software of any kind before, so I'm way behind the curve on how this stuff works. I've used drum machines for years, so I'm trying to get up on what this software versions are like.

So to get Hammerhead to work, I will need to get a VST host, even if I'm just programming it rather than playing the pads via midi or the keyboard? The Hammerhead site didn't mention anything about needing a VST host...

Thanks for the assistance, by the way
I made a mistake --- Hammerhead IS a standalone application with the ability to render to disk.

Scratch all that stuff about needing a VST host.

It'll even import samples - just mono 16 bit ones, but that's very impressive for a 7 year old piece of software.

I'd forgotten just how cool Hammerhead is - thanks for brining it back to me!
