Shakes is back!!! Band Project I did jerry rigged.


New member
Ok heres the deal.

One room I'm talking cramped
6 Musicians
Live Drums
2 Headphones ( Drummer and acoustic)
Bass, Lead guitar, Dobro monitoring through my monitors
Drummer was out in the hallway!

Following Mics
AT 4033
Neuman TLM 103
2 SM-57s
And the mystery Mic on drums whoever guesses this one gets a fuggin cookie!@ Thats right ONE mic on the drums!

JoeMeek VC1Q
Sytek 4 channel with burn brown chip on 3,4
POD for Bass
Bluetube 2 channel

All had to be tracked at once mixed the next day and out the door.

The artist wanted ONE take and there are no punches and the only overdub was the background singer. Also he wanted kind of a retro type sound on his voice as well as the recording.

NOTE: Any mistakes in this are still there because there was NO punching. So any bad bass notes ( there are a couple) or guitar licks are NOT this engineers fault LOL

Here is one of the results of that little session. Not bad for knocking it out with quick turn around.

2 Days 9 Songs ......


one thing I've noticed is that I am less critical of a mix if I like the song and the vocalist. THe vocalist and the song are so good that I had to make the effort to listen to the mix.

Since I am listening on ns10ms which I assume that you are still mixing on, this sounds exceptionally good.

I cant really comment on the drums and I cant guess which mic it was. I think the snare can be a bit louder if you get a chance to retrack.

I am going to say that you had the tlm103 on the vox. If I am wrong, Ill do something silly. I am getting to the point where I can recognize the 103 and neumann sound. Once you get used to the vocals, they sound excellent. the first few seconds, I was still comparing it to enya and it sounded a bit dry in the midrange.

Man, the cleanliness of the song- I compared it to heatclip.mp3 and its twice as clear and more present. Paris and the sytek must rock.

tell me, which pre do you use on vocals? I heard that the sytek with the burr browns sound something like a neve. Is that what you have on vox, or do you prefer the sytek for capturing the instruments accurately.

I like the punchiness of the bass. Please share your compression settings.

the reverb on the vox is nice, but sometimes it seems I can hear it over the other instruments, as if the vox is superimposed on the track. What reverb are you using?

This is an awesome song. Thanks for sharing. Now excuse me while I download it.
pretty darn nice given the circumstances.......

on the drums Ill have to say you whipped out old faithful...a sm57.....
Sounds good. The vocals have a bit much of the low end imo, but since I don't listen to this type of music at all I really don't know for sure :). The vocals sound very good otherwise. I also like the way things are panned.
And the drums sound very good aswell and work very well with the bass. This is a great exmple of how you can record decent drums with just one mic if the kit sounds good to begin with.
Sounds like e condensor on the drums not SM57 tho. Have no idea what to suggest.
But I listen to metal, so what do I know :).

Old Faithful JoeMeek VC1Q and Neuman on Vocals
Sytek channel 3 and 4033 on guitar
Sytek 1,2 with SM-57's on dobro and lead amp
Bass Direct with bass pod.
Sytek channel 4 on drums, STILL NOT TELLING what mic ;-) keep on guessing. The artitst didnt want the drums up in the mix in this song he wanted the dobro to be the main instrument. But I agree I would have liked them to be up more they sounded awesome.

There was also NO outboard gear with this at all besides pres, all the effects were PARIS EDS effects so my compression settings wont help much ;-) The reverb on vocals is a combo of Long and short delay with a mixture of settings I couldnt do it again if I tryed. I'll post a more rockabilly song later on where you can really hear the vintage sound. And right now I am mixing one of my own new songs with about 46 Tracks so we'll see how it turns out in the next week or so i'll post it. Its nice to be able to do a project from start to finish, edit, master, and get a hot mix out and do everything all in one program. The only time I have to take it out of PARIS is to burn it ;-)

Thanks for the comments oh and Cyan good call on the vocal mic ;-)

P.S. PARIS is doing the dishes right now !!! hehe
:o :) :) :)
>All had to be tracked at once mixed the next day and out the door

Man- that's some pressure for sure!

OK- keep that mic brand hidden. What I wanna know is:

1) Where was it placed? and
2) Were any of the other mics used picking up part of the drum signal?

Mighty nice for a quickie go-thru. My only complaints were the slight sibilance on the vocals and the reverb on the slide solo.
Ok one more from that project,

On this one the drums are a little louder and sound a little better. All the same setup since we tracked so quickly nothing changed between songs. (One song has fiddle) Anyway this song is a cool little storyline type thing and again this artist went for that retro rockabilly type sound with the verb etc so enjoy.

P.S. I'll reveal the single drum mic soon ;-) Its gonna blow the mind ;-)

Damn encoder changes the mp3 to MP3 had to edit the url