Set up Question


New member
I want to try digital recording and master my 4 track demos to my PC which I havent tried before. These are what I have at home.
PC- Duron 750 processor
20g Seagate HD
X-wave 6000 Yamaha 754 Sound Card
128mb RAM
3D video accellerator
Plextor CD writer

Tascam 414MkII 4 track
Sansamp GT-2
Efx Processors

Would this PC setup be OK? What softwares should I use? By the way, I have 7 more old PC's networked for games. Each equiped with PII & 20g hard disks & 128Mb ram. Can I make use of the others for home recording?:confused:
I don't know about the soundcard but if you're planning on just recording the mixdown from your four track to your PC, it'll probably do. The computer shuld have no problems handling the task.

Start out with the recording SW called n-Track. Download the demo from and see if you like it.

I don't think you need to worry about using the other computer for anything else than extra storage. You can of course set up a UD agent on all of them and beat the rest of the BBS in the cancer cure research project.