

I miss my old tribal trance days, Man those chicks are CA-RA_ZEEEE :D Try adding a focal point to the mix, some sort of melodey line that will bring the riddum out more.
pretty neat. It does need some kind of keep it other than just something rhythmic...unless that is enough. Nice drum sounds. I like the wide stereo panning. I hear a "blip" of a bell, triangle..something...every now and then...
Man,this is wild stuff!
Drums sound great.

Really good mix,how did you record the drums?

Cool stuff!

I'd like to hear the voice up in the mix a bit.....maybe a cathedral typr 'verb.....make it sound like she's in a canyon.
The drums do sound great. Pretty cool.
noway??....those ARE NOT ..acoustic drums....??..right ?.....howevr if they are ...i am any rate real or elec...GREAT drum this justs need a few more extreme change -ups to me anyway...but its actually pretty cool like this....

Yes the drums are real. I'll post the equipment list again so you can a sense of the hardware.

Recording was pretty much straight forward.....everything else was done and then I just recorded the take. Used "Hot Rods" on this track.

Direct into a Sound Blaster live card in stereo.

You are all right on the additional layer that is required. I have thought of many possibilities that would take the basic tracks in to about any genre'.

1). Keep with the african desert theme and add an erethral lead voice backed up with a kick-ass choir.

2). Jazz theme with a baratone sax

3). Use this to lay the foundation for an incredible guitar solo.

What do you guys think?
...and the equipment:

Drums: Yamaha Maple Customs

Ride: Zidjian K Custom 20"
HH: Zildjian A Custom Master Sounds 14"
Crashes: Paiste Signature 18" full and fast crashes
Paiste Signature 16"fast crash
Splash: Zidjian A custom 10"
Effects Cymbal: 12" Zildjian Remix over a 14" remix

Audix d2's on all Toms except large floor, D4 there
Shure beta 52 on kick, 57 on snare
Audio Technica as an overhead

Allen and Heath MixWizard 16:2DX board

TC Electronics M1 effects

Running into a soundblaster live card (WEAK LINK)

Using Sonar XL and Tannoy Reaveals as monitors
man...that is a GREAT drum sound...really play drums yes.....but im not a "drummer" to speak as i really lost interest after pickin up i cant even really tune drums or anything...and it was never any fun sitting around playing drums by yerself...but credit where credit is impressed that you can make this sound so great..........and i vote for "big massive guitar solo.."......anyway..
