Selling My Omnisphere 2 License


New member

*If you are interested in buying my Omnisphere 2 license please contact me before actually purchasing my license. I need information from you to approve me for an official license transfer with Spectrasonics. Being approved for a license transfer is essential for this exchange to be legitimate.*

Email me your information at and clarify that you are interested in purchasing my Omnisphere 2 license.

*I am required to provide the following information to Spectrasonics to secure the license transfer.*

Buyer's Name:
Buyer's Email:
Buyer's Username created at Spectrasonics website:
Buyer’s Address:

I am selling my Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 license due to me leaving music production. I've had Omnisphere for 2.5 years and it served me well. Every time I thought I explored most of Omnisphere's sound library I was proven wrong every time. The thing with massive sound libraries is that they make it overwhelming for the user but Omnisphere 2 does an excellent job of arranging and giving options to filter and favorite certain sounds. Omnisphere 2 is a perfect VST for any type of music producer since the quality of the sounds that they offer is so clean and versatile. The thing is that Omnisphere 2 seems just a little too expensive for most producers so now with my discounted price this is the perfect opportunity for you to get the full version of Omnisphere 2.

Omnisphere 2 retail price: $479 + Applicable Tax
My Omnisphere license price: $350

As I stated earlier, I need information from you (the buyer) prior to any transaction on this website. So, contact me if you are interested. My information is below. Thanks!

Instagram: adnan.mufleh