Selecting studio setup


New member
I have been using a computer, Roland sound module, and an ASR-10 keyboard as a controller to lay track using Powertracks sequencer. I recently purchesed an MPC 2000XL.

I like using the computor especially for editing tracks, but I also have an interest in the Korg D1600 hard disk workstation.
Is there a way I would be able to utilize such a workstation and the other equipment along with the computer since I like it so much.
You sure can. You could run the Korg with the computer (sync'ed) or you could track the Korg into the computer, etc...

That D1600 and a good computer recording setup (24/96 sound card, Sound forge, Dvd burner, Fast HD). Can be a powerful combination.

You can even use a toslink input for your computer.:cool: