Sega Genesis Style Track

My local college station does a weekly show featuring video game music, this would fit right in. Some of the high endy rhythmic sounds seem a little overbearing compared to the snare, like it makes me want to turn my stereo down even though most of the other sounds sound great. Interesting piece and nice mix. Is there a cheat code enable?
My local college station does a weekly show featuring video game music, this would fit right in. Some of the high endy rhythmic sounds seem a little overbearing compared to the snare, like it makes me want to turn my stereo down even though most of the other sounds sound great. Interesting piece and nice mix. Is there a cheat code enable?
You think you could get this on that show?
I liked it. The varied palette of sonic textures & melodies kept me interested. Plus I had fun messing around with the visualizations. Good job
"Sega-style"? I've heard terms like Nintendocore tossed around before. Are we seeing the beginnings of division in the chiptunes community? :D

That blip that fades in on beats three and four of every other beat is way too loud.

There wasn't as much fast arpeggiation as you usually usually hear in this genre, which I found a little disappointing.

You did a pretty good job here. It probably won't replace the theme song from Alien Legion in my playlist, but it could probably replace Mind Roll. (Ok. I'm done referencing obscure video games that no one else has probably played...)