Searching for the right plug-in.


New member
Hello to all,

Since I cannot afford now to buy all the hardware needed to improve the performance of my little studio, I would like to ask you about how to use Cubase SX plug-ins properly.

Do you know some compressor or other plug-in that I could use to improve vocals?. My lack of vocal resources will appreciate it.
Also for the bass guitar. I have it connected to a guitar pedal, using the compressor feature, but it is not enough to give to the bass the sound quality I would like. Equalizing helps, but only a bit.

Any ideas?

Txs a lot.

You will find a compressor in SX that you can use to help out the vocals. It's in the effects section as opposed to the EQ area like it was in VST.

The bass question is a little too general for me to be much good. You'll probably just need to play with it a bit. The main thing is get it sounding good to your ears BEFORE you put it into SX and you will find it is much easier to get it sounding good after it is in SX. Also your soundcard will play a big part on getting the sound accurately to transfer to the computer.
Thanks a lot for your quick response and your help, Bass Master. I am just starting to record, but one of the few things I know positively is that you need to inject to Cubase the closest sound you want and the cleanest one you can. That thing does not make miracles.
Regarding to the bass sound quality, if I don´t get satisfactory results may be I will think on buying some pedal. I have heard nice things about POD, what do you think?
Do you know something cheap, not to use in live music and can help?
Txs again,
I have an aardvark q-10 for a soundcard and it has really good pre's so I can usually get an allright sound going DI and doing a bit of EQ.

I own a V-amp 2 which is a knock-off of the POD, and it get's pretty good stereo signal into the computer. I have to be careful how close it is to my monitor or it can get some hum but otherwise it's good too.

With some careful EQ I would think you should be able to get a decent bass sound regardless...