Searching for a copy of: How to Build a Small Budget Recording Studio from Scratch ..


New member
I've tried every website that I can think of looking for the book entitled, "How to Build a Small Budget Recording Studio from Scratch ... With 12 Tested Designs" but I'm unable to locate a copy. Does anyone know where I might be able to obtain a copy? Is it still in print?
I understand it's an outstanding book on studio design.

thanks allot my wife was looking over my shoulder and said "yea how do you build a low cost recording studio”got to go!
sorry guys. I tried, but after they took my money, they emailed me back saying their website was in error -- the book is no longer in stock. they they proceeded to tell me that they would re-imburse me later.
But I'll keep looking.

I picked up my copy at my local Barnes & Noble a couple of months ago. It has lots of good information in it, but to be honest, I kind of felt ripped off since I had already studied John's stuff. I guess it looks better on my bookshelf than a bunch of computer printouts.
