SE Electronics SE2200A


New member
I'm in the market for a decent studio vocal mic and a friend suggested the SE Electronics SE2200A. Any thoughts on this mic? Or any other suggestions? How does it compare to the Rode NT1 (which I've never used but have heard about)?
Hi Stampy
I have both these mics. I like them both, but I would say the SE2200 is the classier sound. I havent done any direct comparisons so I'm fumbling a bit here, but the SE is clearer, more open. Its also got pad and bass roll off switches and comes with a very good shock mount (very large!). some say that it has replaced the NT1 as THE budget large diaphram mic. I wouldnt disagree.
I have the SE2200 (not A) ... very good for the money I thought, but I haven't compared it to an SP B1 yet. Certainly much better than the Behringer, Samson etc equivalents.

Where are you stampy? There are some other mics around in the UK you should know about if that's where you are.
a freind of mine has it and also has the rode
to our opinion it is a leage above the rode
very clear very nice very true and for this price....
we also comperd it with other mics and to my opinion it sounds great even when u hear it next to a tlm 103-other caracter but defently not bad

Thanks so much for your input. I've decided on the SE2200A. I'll post my findings once I've given it a good run through.
Thanks again.

Noisedude - I'm a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania resident. However, depending on shipping costs I still consider overseas products...