SE Electronics SE2200A pair for overheads?


New member
Bit late in posting this, however, I have just bought these mics for drum overheads as a recomended deal. I recorded just the other day using these, I obviously have either bought the wrong stuff or I am setting them up wrong. They seemed to pick up very little cymbals, more just the snare. I have since heard small conden. would be better, i.e. pencils.

To conclude, have I....

A. Bought the wrong mics for overheads?
B. Set them up wrong?

Please, any advice on this matter???
Yeah, I would say a bit of both possibly. The sE2200a is a large diaphragm condenser, good for picking up the full spectrum of frequencies from instruments and voices, such as bass drum, snare drum as well as cymbals. Small diaphragm condenser mics tend to react more clearly to the higher frequencies, such as those emitted by the drum cymbals. You might want to think about investing in some pencil condenser mics, as you said.

Also, for the time being try repositioning your sE2200as. Make sure they're set to cardioid pattern and point them as far from the snare as possible while keeping them pointed at the cymbals you want to be captured, you might need to experiment quite a bit and move them around frequently to get a good sound, but it should be possible even with those to get something you can use.

Good luck =)
Yep, good advice from Flebberflep.

I love the SE2200A--now own two which I use for a wide range of things but have to admit I've never tried them as overheads.

However, I suspect that playing with the position and aiming should get you a darn nice sound--but it might take a bit of experimentation. The mics have nice clean, open highs which should sound great on cymbals when you get them pointed nicely. I don't have a drum kit here to play with but may experiment next time I have somebody in.

Double dang. It's a year and four months and I didn't notice either.

Guess he either returned his mics or figured out a better placement.