screeching mic.


New member
I'm looking to buy a decent dynamic microphone so I can record my own (mediocre) vocals onto my home recordings: better to have OK vocals than none type of thing ;). I am definitely not a singer -- I'm lucky to be on the correct pitch half the time. I want a microphone that works well for screaming which bands like Guttermouth, RKL, DRI, etc... do: high pitched, off key, punk screeching. I have been recommended the Audix OM5, because it is supposedly a very directional microphone that is excellent for this type of vocal application, and it also is attenuated in the midrange making it bright. I definitely want a bright microphone. Please don't recommend the SM58... there has to be another microphone out there that isn't so dark that works great for this type of vocal style. I'm willing to spend around $200 on this.
Dude, if you can spend a little more than 200...Maybe 250...This is gonna be one of your best bets.

It's not going to sound scooped but you can't beat it for the money. Another mic I believe in very firmly is the CAD M177. You can get one for pretty cheap...They were 70 bucks at one point, I'm not sure about now. One of the best LDCs you can get for such a cheap price.

I'd avoid the 990 for vocals. It's nice for percussive sources at medium distances...very nice...But for vocals, I always thought they sounded scratchy and brittle...They're accurate, and they have their uses (I own two and use them regularly for room mics and cut out a lot of highend) but their highend isn't very smooth. They're good for muddy toms or background parts.