Scary Moves Together - Chick Track...


New member
Hi fam.

Been building beats for a dozen+ years, have recorded some heavy hitters but was always shy of the mic myself until recently. So now it's a bit of a mish mash of my talents and a bit rough but tried doing a lot with this from a simple R&B hook, to harmonizing, to a rap at 3:10 on top of a nice neutral beat...

Defeat analysis even though it's a rough:

* Too much autoboob.
* Got too excited, isn't a full track (yet).
* It's not always what you write, it's what you say and how you say/sing it.
(^ I ended up chopping a lot of lines or shortening them just to mess around with arrangements.
* No real bridge.
* Mix needs some tlc on the voxes & low end.
* Perhaps it could use another lead/accent throughout...


Also question: How ugly/gutter are we allowed to post, I have a few tracks that aren't so family friendly...?
the beat's pretty chill and the vocal layering would be nice, but all that autotune ruins it. and I've posted some rather profane stuff before as long as it's not some stupid look at my chain, murder murder type shit then it's cool.