say it ain't so - cover

Not bad at all dude... The singer's (yours??) voice sounds a lot like the original singer's... This could pass for a recording of wheezer doing an acoustic version of the song.... you know.. like those "in studio" acoustic mixes that local radio stations play sometimes... well... up until the lead part comes in... :D (coulda done without that keyboard :p )

Woulda liked to hear you try to hit the notes an octave higher too.. ;)

Good performance. Not bad for what sounds like a live recording. I agree with WATYF, that you sound like Mr. Weezer, and that why not sing in that upper octave like he does on the one part.

Also agree that if they stuck this on the radio, people would call up asking where they could get this Weezer acoustic track.

:eek: If you were NAUGHTY, you could put this on Morpheus :cool: with Weezer's name on it :p :p

If anyone asks who told you to do it, wazzntme! :rolleyes: :D

i like it

this song just happens to be my favorite weezer song, and i really like what you have done with it.

but it would be cool to hear you go --- say it aint SO U WHOA U WHOA!^!!!!!!!!! up another octave like the other guys were talking about. but other than that i loved it!!


I liked it.

It was pretty mellow. I've never heard Weezer, but this song was pretty good. What did you record it on?;)
Nice version indeed.
Too bad that one of the strong aspects of the original recording, the big contrast between soft and loud is gone here. Not it's just all soft. But I guess that's a deliberate choice and not necesarilly a wrong one.

I listened to the original song like 2 weeks ago (probably best song on the album) and with my cans on I love it how the lead guitar makes my ears bleed. :P
good job but I agree that the heavy part was missed.. That's my favorite part of the tune, but I guess this was cool.. Why would you leave out the best parts?:confused:
very well done. I just saw Weezer a week ago. They are very good live. You do imitate the lead singer, Rivers, voice well. I'm thinking of recording a cover of the undone (sweater song). I love their guitar sounds and vocals. Another awsome song is El Scorcho. Check 'em out.
back in the day, weezer owned me, literally...hah.

thier blue album and pinkerton still do - that is in my CD player many times a week, and often times I listen to a few weezer songs before starting to mix on my speakers - because i LOVE the sound they get/got.

(however, i hate thier new stuff...with a

decent cover though - but i do have to say i'd rather hear it with distorted guitar, drums, loud vox, etc....i made a cover of it a while ago, maybe i can find it and i'll post it up...if you're
Nice tune!

I liked your guitar sound!
Vocals were good,nice harmony!

What did you use to record the guitars?

Enjoyed it very much!

Best to you,
This is really well done, minus the missing falcetto(sp?) part.

The overall tone and recording is good, but probably could use some mastering to raise the volume and bring out some clarity/harmonics.

Good job.